Quentinshadows's life is filled with training and learning for all sorts of situations, from the mind-numbingly normal to the utterly bizarre. As such, Quentinshadows has developed into a rather resourceful individual. This has made Quentinshadows a mix of academic and scholar, always with something to offer to any discussion. However, knowledge and training does not always translate well to the tense environment of the battlefield, and no amount of textbooks can prepare one for reality...
Quentinshadows will never go into any situation head-on. Whether it be combat or just strolling down the street, he will stick to the shadows or cloak himself in the Force. The less he is seen, the better. If he cannot sneak up on someone, then Quentinshadows will not bother confronting them.
Quentinshadows has a legendary and virulent need for vengeance. Once crossed, he will make it his life’s work to ensure that whatever slight was received is repaid tenfold. This need for vengeance can be all-consuming, and can often lead to short-sighted decisions.
Quentinshadows has a tendency to be secretive and keeps to himself, relying on deception to conceal his motives and intentions. He is a schemer, and plots and plans against others carefully. When dealing with a confrontation, he will try and bluff his way out of trouble, or overcome obstacles with deliberate, covert actions.
Without the gift of the Force, Quentinshadows has trained rigorously with a wide range of melee weaponry and technology to better handle opponents that are able to harness the mythical power. Quentinshadows has been conditioned to fight against foes that are Force-sensitive and are able to compensate against fighting an adversary wielding something as deadly as a lightsaber. While this adaptive combat training makes him lethal in close quarters combat against any kind of threat, they are still at the mercy of a long ranged fighter, assailant or Force user that prefers to attack the mind instead of the body.
Quentinshadows seems to get his thrills, perhaps sadistic ones at that, from toying with his opponents. Some are content with simply striking down or injuring their opponent, but that is not enough for Quentinshadows. No, he wishes to see his enemy descend into madness or kneel before him as a blathering mess; or even better, as a fresh new servant with a muddled mind. The Puppeteer usually forsakes outright hurting and maiming his opponent and focuses on illusions, mind tricks, and other wicked means of destroying a person.
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Disciple (+3) | |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | Sliding Hands |
Secondary Martial Art | Teras Kasi |
Primary Lightsaber Form | Form III (Soresu) |
Secondary Lightsaber Form | Form I (Shii-Cho) |