Dervin Likott woke up in a cold sweat. The same nightmare haunted him every night and tonight was no different. The images of the horrors he saw in the Purity Rock death camp haunted his memories. The countless bodies of Harakoan natives littering the ground. Their tribal brethren forced to dispose of the bodies in mass graves. All of it, scorched in his mind. Dervin climbed out of bed and got ready for the day. He gave himself a once over in the mirror, running his dark hand through his black hair and over his stubbly face, he let out a slight smile. His smile faded as he ran his hand across his elbow and the stump where his right arm had once been. He exited the prefab shelter that had been set up by the Tythonian Reconstruction Council and met with his partner. Nelko was a tall blue humanoid with silver hair and purple eyes. His long stride to across the housing zone looked almost majestic to Dervin. Dervin gave his partner a tight hug. He would give his life for the Harakoan. But it hadn't always been that way. Before he signed up with the Tanduran and Dac Unified Commandos 4th Ranger Platoon, he didn't appreciate the Harakoans. He distrusted them on the best of days and the worst.. he would have killed one if it was legal. Time and circumstances can change a man though. After enlisted with the 4th Ranger Platoon seeing action against the Thuron Monarchy, and seeing the horrors committed at Purity Rock, his entire outlook on the Harakoans changed. They came to the aid of the colonists. They fought as hard as any of the Tythonians did. And they sacrificed just as much. "Yew got dat dreams 'gain" Neklo said is broken Basic. "Yeah I did" Dervin responded with some hesitation. He knew the constant nightmares were affecting his health, and so did Neklo. But today was a day of celebration. After two long years, the colony of Vard Mislu was finally coming back together. From the 80% of destruction that occurred during the Thuron Occupation, only about 30% remained in ruins. But today marked the third anniversary of the overthrow of the Thuron Monarchy. There was a festival planned. All of Vard Mislu and the local Harakoan tribes were invited to attend. Representatives of the Jedi would be there too. Darvin hoped to see some of his old comrades as well, but since his discharge after his injury, he lost contact with most of them. Darvin grabbed two cups of cafe and handed one to Neklo. The blue skinned humanoid wasn't very fond of the drink, but reluctantly consumed it to appease his friend. The two boarded a landspeeder to tour the partially reconstructed city. The daylight was fading when they returned. The festival grounds had been set up and attendees had flooded in. There were Humans, Bothans, Mon Calamari, Harakoan, and a handful of Jedi in their nomad robes. In the northern center of the grounds, was a large elaborate stage. A large group had gathered around the stage and waited for the entertainment to begin. A short blue skinned Twi'lek female approached the podium. The crowd grew quiet as she approached. She hesitated before beginning. "Citizens, guests, and friends of New Tython: Three years ago the city of Vard Mislu was involved in a struggle to regain it's independence from the Thuron Monarchy. Indeed, four standard hours after we commenced our attack, we successfully regained control of our city. The attack three years ago has caused severe damage to New Tythons cities, resources, and citizens. I regret to tell you that very many lives have been lost. In addition, New Tython ships were also destroyed. Please let us take a moment to remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we may return home." The entire crowd remained silent for many moments. The speaker than began to read the name of each warrior that lost his or her life.. both Tythonian and Harakoan. Not a single sound was heard as the attendees honored their dead. "We honor our fallen, but from here we can only move forward. Today we shine as bright as a supernova!" An explosion of music and sounds began as the crowd cheered. Dervin looked at his friend and smiled. Today was a great day, a day of celebration. But there was still much work to be done. Dervin wondered just how long it would take for the city to return to a sense or normalcy. Years, Decades, Centuries? Perhaps never.. Dervin shook his head and grabbed a drink. "I don't care today, I'm just going to have a good time" he thought.