Nightmares and Dreamscapes The 13th Great Jedi War has ended. All the people who survived are going home, to families and hopefully good times with a reprieve from combat. Rivio Rosan, however, was simply returning to his small hut where he lived alone. He was currently sitting at a dinner table, hands clasped together supporting his head. He wasn’t meditating, simply just basking in the silence. He felt the scars across his back and neck start tingling in pain as his thoughts drifted to a specific time during the War. He had just been captured, the Collective was able to get him by surprise. When he came to he was in a torture room. Ever since he escaped slavery he’s tried avoiding such scenarios; but it seemed this one was destined. His mind started flashing the torture, how they put on brass-knuckles and punched at his torso and face. How they gave some new whip scars on his body to join the multitude of others across his back. After they decided to keep him alive for now they sent him to do manual labor as a prisoner, and when his mind touched on that specific time he was subjected to flashbacks of his slave days. Trandoshans poking and prodding with stun sticks, the electric collars they’d put around slaves neck to shock them as ‘punishment’. How once time when he fell down while carrying some recently mined ores and they dragged him by his arm to the whipping stack; they tied people up here before using a studded and spiked whip on the victims back. That day he received 50 lashes. Another day, his handler decided to overclock his collar and turn it on till it short-circuited. The boss of the operation ended up killing the guy ya, but it was the first testament to Rivio’s survivability thanks to the Will of the Force. He would go on to find a permanent burn mark around his neck, always there, always reminding him of his slavery. How he was weak and couldn’t do anything as he and his fellow slaves were being led to eventual death! He heard a snap which took him out of his thoughts, now gasping for breath as if just being strangled and sweating from re-feeling the pain. Looking down he saw a metal spoon bent and broken in his hand. Turning his head around the room his eyes saw the floating furniture and items as he had lost control for a second of the Force around him. Sighing he slowly put all the objects back on the ground. Standing he began muttering to himself. “What’s done is done. I can’t change what happened...but I can make sure it doesn’t happen to me again. I can’t help everyone else but I can help myself.” He said before turning and grabbing his cloak before opening the door with the Force and heading out of his hut. He has to run errands and by groceries after all, he still needed to live.