1: That was the name of the squadron that flew against the droid control ship in Episode 1? Bravo Squadron 2: What was the transport of Jango Fett? Slave I 3: What was the name of General Grievous's flagship? Malevolence 4: What was the name of the Republic that transported Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to the Trade Federation ship in orbit over Naboo? Radiant VII 5: What is the nickname of the Trade Federation droid starfighters? Depends on when. The initial one: Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I. Advanced Droid Starfighter is the follow-up version. 6: What is the name of the arachnid droid that first appeared at the Battle of Geonosis? DSD1 dwarf spider droid 7: What kind of ship was used by Count Dooku to escape from Geonosis? Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop (Dooku's solar sailer) 8: What class of transport was seen at the end of Episode II? Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship 9: The Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor was also known by what other name? Delta-7 Jedi Interceptor 10: This creature first attacked a Geonosisan picador. It then attacked Padme Amidala. (Bonus who had one for a pet and what was its name?) A Nexu owned by the Archduke Poggle the Lesser 11: Jar-Jar Binks seemed to find the wrong side of these creatures on Tattooine. Sebulba, a Dug 12: The Aggressive ReConnaissance -170 Starfighter was also known as? ARC-170 starfighter 13:These animals were kept as guard animals for certain Tusken Raider settlements as seen in Episode II. massiff 14: These animals from Kamino were used as transportation. Aiwha 15: Name the two animals that Anakin Skywalker directly interacted with in Episode II. Kouhuns and a Reek 16: What kind of ship did Padme pilot in Episode II? J-type 327 Nubian Royal Starship 17: This little piece of equipment helped Obi-Wan Kenobi to get to the planet Kamino. a Kamino saberdart 18: This wheeled tank droid first appeared in Episode II at the Battle of Geonosis. IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank 19: This monster vehicle first appeared on Kashyyyk in Episode III. HAVw A6 Juggernaut 20: What creature was Obi-Wan riding when Palpatine ordered the execution of Order 66? A varactyl