Details for Novitiate 3

Rank information
Number of members at Novitiate 3:
Percentage of members at Novitiate 3:
XP Threshold
Order/Path rank information
Order Male rank name Female rank name Number of members
Loyalist Cadet Cadet 16 (0.97%)
Force Disciple Novice Novice 178 (10.81%)
Mercenary Recruit Recruit 56 (3.4%)
Sith Novice Novice 1317 (79.96%)
Jedi Novice Novice 80 (4.86%)
Displaying members 51 - 75 of 1647 in total
PIN Rank Name
14088 Novice Tareick
13494 Novice Zercon Xar
13696 Novice Deathoxzjr
10553 Novice zeus blacktooth
14423 Novice Jon Wayne
14704 Novice Amici
14853 Novice Batman222
14110 Novice Ratnik
14691 Novice Wp sam
14474 Novice Kalhan Par'jila
14081 Novice Agen Thaer
14205 Novice Sadet
13955 Novice Jorpy
16033 Novice Sol Valerian
13911 Novice Walletto
16243 Novice Newt Valor
13470 Novice Lira Amaranta
15863 Novice Mortley
13673 Novice Firrin Gra
16703 Novice Harry Glasgow
13782 Novice Rinbair Harv
15898 Novice Azza96
13737 Novice Luke Tensai
16700 Novice Medz30
17154 Novice Ryoku Starsprinter