Grand Cross events for Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

The recent CNS-HSP-PLA Feud would have not occurred had it not been for the efforts of Tra’an. It was he who got the ball rolling between the units for the feud to begin, and it was he who kept it on track while preparing for the feud. Tra’an made sure people were focused on what was to come.

The Feud was in all ways, Tra’an baby. After getting the participating units involved, he led the discussion on the plot. He was the one who took on the increcibly heavy task of writing the fictional accompaniment of the 3 week long feud. It was Tra’an who went to Halc and Ronovi to get assistance for grading the Runons and Wikipedia competitions. Nearly all the competitions of the feud also began as Tra’an’s ideas with revisions based on what the rest of us participating leaders thought.

Even through all of this, it was also Tra’an who led the grading efforts and keeping score for each of the three units. Running and keeping track of a single unit event is hard work. Add two more units and it gets much more complicated. Tra’an did everything he could to insure a good fun and well run Feud.

Tra’an sacrificed a lot of time and effort not only over the three weeks of the feud, but in the weeks leading up to it and once the feud was finished to fully round out the event. I am glad to help award him this Grand Cross for his tremendous efforts.

-Xen’Mordin Vismorsus

QUA of Scholae Palatinae

Running an inter-House feud is no easy task. It requires a lot of work and dedication. Recently, Tra’an Reith has shown that he has the dedication and ability to organize a feud and run it. For the recent feud between House Plagueis, House Scholae Palatinae, and Clan Naga Sadow, Tra’an originally came up with the idea. He reached out to other unit leaders and proposed the feud. Tra’an presided over the initial communications within the group as we devised the fiction.

During the actual feud, Tra’an took charge and led our group in the bulk of the judging. He handled each fiction update himself for each week, which was a lot of work. I personally am thankful that we had Tra’an working on this project. It’s important to note that none of us had ever done an event like this before, and Tra’an took care of a lot of unforeseen work and issues that came up. He was always around and frequently available for any questions, and handled any issues quickly and efficiently. Tra’an demonstrates admirable cool-headedness, reasoning, and punctuality, and these traits help make him a great example for his peers.

Without Tra’an’s leadership and determination, this feud might never have been a reality and may have never succeeded. I would like to recognize Tra’an for the work he has done and say thank you for all the effort he has put into this by helping to award him this Grand Cross. Thanks, Tra’an!

  • KP Locke Sonjie Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2012-09-20 14:57:22 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Tra’an Reith is one of the bastions of Plagueis, befitting his status as di Plagia. During our recent feud with Clan Odan-Urr, Between Light and Dark, Tra’an submitted to six of the eleven events possible and took a solo 8th place in the prologue puzzle. More importantly, however, was bringing his trademark leadership and panache to our first place Battleplan entry, a major contribution to our overall victory. Tra'an will probably be known forever as the battleplan-whisperer in Clan Plagueis, given that his animated, voiced briefings are some of the best battleplan entries one might see anywhere. Tra'an is the one who takes all the disparate pieces of the plan and works them into a synchronized masterpiece.

All told since his last award in August, Tra’an has twent-five competitions and earned for crescents (one diamond, two amethyst, and one emerald). Gaming wise, he’s earned a staggering nine pendants of blood to go along with one hundred and sixty clusters of fire and three hundred and thirty-two clusters of earth. Additionally, as a writer he’s amassed eleven clusters of ice between fiction activities and the ACC battle he completed.

In addition to his personal successes, Tra’an has continued to demonstrate the leadership qualities he cultivated during his time as Quaestor even now that he’s just a regular joe. His guidance was instrumental during the recent feud as Plagueis found itself with a slew of new members who had never experienced a true vendetta-style event before. Tra’an stepped into the role of vendetta sherpa, helping our members through the trials and tribulations of high intensity competition. He’s also been co-organizing the smash hit “Twelve Weeks a Haiku” competition, serving as not only a comp runner but also as it’s biggest cheer leader to the Brotherhood at large.

The other area of Tra'an's leadership is as the ACC sherpa for Clan Plagueis (and elsewhere, more on that later). During the last 8 months, Tra'an has provided his services as a proof reader and adviser for more than 30 individual ACC posts outside of the GMIT. Within that high-stakes tournament, however, Tra'an was a primary proof reader for myself, Kz'set, and even Timeros in Arcona and he proofed 15 of the most dense, high quality posts the ACC has ever seen. I have not doubt, at least personally, that the success of those competitors in the tournament was at least helped along by Tra'an's great stash of ACC wisdom. As an long tenured former member of the ACC staff, Plagueis is lucky to have his assistance in navigating the sometimes treacherous waters of the combat center.

Without his continual presence, activity, and leadership, I can say without a doubt that Plagueis would not be in the strong, healthy position it is today.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2016-04-28 23:15:04 UTC
Additional reasons

From the beginning I had only heard of good things from Tra’an by the other members of Plagueis, and now I can see why. During the recent feud, he took part in six of the competitions out of a possible eleven. He has demonstrated his ability to lead by taking home the gold for the Battleplan which greatly helped Plagueis dominate Odan-Urr by the feud’s end.

The man has been a never-ending ride of activity since I’ve known him, having participated in 24 competitions, 66 PVE matches and having written around 5611 words of fiction for competitions. He has earned somewhere in the region of four crescents (one of them a diamond), 9 Pendants of Blood, 160 Clusters of Fire, 332 Clusters of Earth, 11 Clusters of Ice and 3 Scrolls of Foundation. He has proven to be an extremely skilled gamer as well as an avid writer of fiction, and overall an extremely important member of the Clan.

Congratulations on this Grand Cross, Tra’an. I look forward to watching you continue to contribute to the Clan in the days to come.

Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar, 2016-04-27 23:41:58 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Primary reason

Since Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia’s last recognition, this veteran of Clan Plagueis has an enduring presence when it comes to participating where it matters. That is evident in his contributions during both the Pro Bowl and the GJW last year. In the Pro Bowl he participated in 9 competitions, helping his team out greatly. Then in the GJW he contributed to the advancement to 2nd place for Clan Plagueis, by participating in 4 competitions, thus earning himself 4 Seals of Transcendence. All together with those competitions and a few others, Tra’an has 15 competitions under his belt, along with 11 Cluster’s of Fire, and 3 Cluster’s of Graphite. That’s not all however, with all of this activity he ranked up in 3 of the Brotherhoods Societies, those being: rank 4 in the ACC, rank IV in the Shroud Syndicate, and rank X in the GMRG. For all of his continued contributions to Clan Plaguies, he is more than deserving of this Grand Cross, one of many awards to come in his continued Brotherhood career.

Thank you Tra’an and congratulations!

~ QUA Tahiri

Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae, 2024-03-28 22:22:38 UTC