Clans of the Brotherhood

Clans are the largest organizational unit in the Brotherhood, consisting of up to three Houses. Led by a Consul and a Proconsul, Clans often compete against each other for medals, glory and other spoils in events called Vendettas.

As with all shadows, the Shadow Clan itself is neither Dark nor Light. Predominantly Gray, Arcona rules its home territory benevolently and focuses on maintaining a strong military and strict control of the system's underworld. The current First Clan of the Brotherhood, Arcona has won many Great Jedi Wars. Please see the website/Wiki page for more information.
Clan Naga Sadow furthers the ideals of the Sith Lord Naga Sadow. Patterned after his Sith empire of ages long past, we safeguard his legacy and work to to expand the influence of our empire.
Clan Odan-Urr is the first Light Side Clan of the Brotherhood, spreading our light to not only the Brotherhood but also to the rest of the galaxy. Alongside their allies in the Vatali Empire, the Jedi Acolytes of Odan-Urr are on a mission to correct the problems throughout the Galaxy and maintain Balance in The Force. Comprised of the underdogs, the rebellious, and Force Users of many traditions all united to protect the glimmering light of hope.
Adapt. Ascend. Avail. Plagueis is the only clan in the Brotherhood solely adherent to the dark side of the Force. Adapting to both the vacuum of space and later a new dominion after being driven out of its original home, the clan has ascended to become a strong military and economic force - with an Imperialist influence - in the galaxy. The Sith, loyalists, Imperials, mercenaries, and subordinates of Plagueis thrive on strength, ruthlessness, and cunning to avail themselves.
The ghost of the Galactic Empire, Clan Scholae Palatinae ever stands proud, ready and able, an amalgamation of Dark Jedi and Sith, Gray Jedi and Imperial loyalists, mercenaries and bounty hunters. Led by their shrewd Emperor, House Caliburnus and Acclivis Draco forms the glaive and hammer. Together they muster their martial might to secure their place within both the Caperion System and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
A brotherhood within a Brotherhood, Clan Taldryan has been a symbol of excellence within the Brotherhood since its inception. Taldryan reorganised into the Taldryan Republic. A Republic dedicated to promoting continued excellence, success, and justice for both its members, and the galaxy.
Clan Vizsla was formed by a band of outsiders with a goal of earning money, fame, and glory. The clan is allegiant to credits, and by proxy the Iron Throne. Clan Vizsla isn’t tied to the dogma of the Jedi or Sith, anyone is capable of excelling to the highest levels within it. Members are not judged based on force sensitivity, but by their ability to bring credits into the Clan’s coffers… and their own pockets.