DJK Rrogon Skar vs. KP Sight Nortorshin

Dark Jedi Knight Rrogon Skar

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Arcona
Male Kaleesh, Obelisk, Juggernaut

Krath Priest Sight Nortorshin

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Krath, Shadow
Hall Event: Figureheads [Clan Arcona]
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition Event: Figureheads - ACC
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants DJK Rrogon Skar, KP Sight Nortorshin
Winner KP Sight Nortorshin
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
DJK Rrogon Skar's Character Snapshot Snapshot
KP Sight Nortorshin's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Selen: Arcona Citadel - Courtyard
Last Post 24 August, 2014 2:01 AM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Occultan Iacul Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
Score: 3 Score: 2
Rationale: You've got a couple missing apostrophes and commas. Rationale: You make quite a few grammar mistakes. A word processor can catch most of these, notably the missing spaces. Watch out for random capitalization and missing commas as well. Getting someone to proofread your posts is also always a good idea and is the best way to catch the more egregious errors ("large about of blood," etc.)
Story - 40%
Occultan Iacul Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
Score: 3 Score: 3
Rationale: See my notes on Rrogon for this section as well. It was ok. Not terrible, nothing really groundbreaking. Rationale: I'm not a big fan of all the dialogue that you both used. It doesn't really accomplish anything and you both end up just repeating yourselves. Your monologue right before death also just seemed kind of ridiculous.
Realism - 25%
Occultan Iacul Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
Score: 4 Score: 2
Rationale: I don't think the Kaleesh heat vision would be applicable in Force-created darkness. The heat that Rrogon would 'see' is just light from another part of the electromagnetic spectrum. I'm not knocking you very hard for it, though, because trying to apply actual science to the Star Wars setting is shaky at best. Rationale: On the topic of the ending monologue, I don't understand how you'd even be able to talk that much when just that post you wrote how all of your ribs were probably broken and with a punctured lung.
Continuity - 20%
Occultan Iacul Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
Score: 5 Score: 5
Rationale: No continuity issues. Rationale: No continuity issues.
Occultan Iacul's Score: 3.65 Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona's Score: 3.0

Despite being on the first level of the Citadel, the massive courtyard remains hidden behind towering walls of stone and sediment. An elongated central patch of neatly trimmed grass stretches out for almost fifty-meters while maintaining a twenty-meter width. At the center of the grass is a large, ovular fountain in the shape of the Arcona emblem, with water running from the tips of each pointed edge. Vegetation grows along some of the walls, and an archaic clock-face is carved into the face of one of the entryways. A small group of rotating sharpshooters are scattered across the walls as the courtyard is supposed to serve as a safe place for Arconans to enjoy some quiet time, or to meet with visitors. It has served as the venue for multiple honor-duels over time, and there is a significant crater off to the side of the grass left behind as a result of a contest between Marick Arconae and Wuntila Arconae. The duel had taken place prior to either Arconae serving as Shadow Lords and in a quieter time before all Arcona knew was warfare.

As you walk towards the back of the courtyard, closer to the base of the cliff that the Citadel is constructed upon, a tall tree shoots up from the stone, its shade guarding an entrance into the Citadel proper.

The albino had been wondering around the Citadel for several hours. Having avoided several fights by luck and more by skill, Sight found himself in the courtyard. The large expanse of open space made him feel wary. A little voice in the back of his head warned the Krath that he needed to remain unseen. Wrapping his body in the Force, his form vanished from the normal visual range. Only a shimmer betrayed his position as he moved across the open grass.

The sound of movement alerted Sight to presence of another. Slowly turning around the albino saw a familiar mask. Rrogon Skar, the AGV Nighthawk’s armorer strode across the grass, seemingly unaware of the Krath. Sight’s unseen face twisted in rage as he watched the young Kaleesh. The Obelisk had sided against their Captain in this conflict, though his reasons were unknown to Sight. The Human’s anger grew to a boil as Rrogon drew near.

TRAITOR!” the Krath screamed at the top of his lungs as his lightsabers yellow blade sprang to life. Skar jumped backwards as the AGV Nighthawk’s chief engineer appeared from the heat signature the Obelisk had been following.

“I’m not the one that abandoned my house,” the Kaleesh retorted as his own anger grew, the emerald blade of his lightsaber materializing as the young male activated the weapon.

“You abandoned your ship, your comrades. You deserve nothing but a traitor's death you coward,” the human retorted making no attempt to hide his anger. The Krath darted forward as the light began to bend in the courtyard. The Obelisk had seen Sight use this technique before in training. Skar moved to a side, causing the albino to slow as he compensated to the Kaleesh’s movement. As the last bits of light disappeared around the combatants Rrogon’s vision shifted to seeing heat instead of light. The young Kaleesh could still follow the Priest’s movements and defend himself but he was unable to catch the finer details.

Their blades clashed over and over again, the albinos strong and simple attacks pushing the Obelisk back. The Force inflicted darkness began to dissipate as their sabers locked. A ping in his mind alerted Skar to incoming danger and he did the only thing he could, his skin crackled as the Force hardened it. What felt like a speeder slammed into Rrogon’s chest sending him off his feet and clear of the enraged Krath.

Sight snarled as he watched the Kaleesh remain on his feet, seemingly unharmed aside for a dull ache in his chest from the Priest’s attack. The light fully returned to the courtyard as the two members of the AGV Nighthawk stared at each other, their anger growing by the second.

“Arcia showed too much mercy allowing you traitors to leave the ship alive,” Sight said as he spat on the ground. Rrogon was formulating a response when a spark of Force guided electricity shoot from the albino’s fingertips and into the Kaleesh’s left leg. The pain brought Skar to his knees, his leg violently convulsing. The convulsions died off quickly as Skar clutched at the offending appendage. Looking back to where the Priest had been standing the Dark Jedi Knight felt a twinge of terror as the Human was no longer anywhere to be seen.

Rrogon franticly whipped his head around to try and find his shipmate.Reaching out with all his senses with the aid of the Force, he scanned the surrounding area for signs of life.

A slight humming starting behind Skar alerted him to Sight new position. Rrogon spun around in time to see the albino’s short vibroblade driving towards his chest.

Rrogon’s reflexes kicked into action. His body moved on its own accord twisting out of the blade’s lethal stab. Skar was not fast enough to not come out completley unscaved, though.He grimaced in pain as the felt the blade cut through his ribs just below his arm.

Cursing in his native tongue, Rrogan lept back and landed several feet away. Dropping to one knee Rrogon placed a hand over his now bleeding side. He could feel how deep the cut had been. It had probably nicked a rib or two but it wasn't life threatening.

“Damit Radharc I don't want to fight you,” he growled through gritted teeth. Concentrating on his wound, Rrogan used the Force to slowly stitch together the flesh that had been separated. It wasn't perfect, and he was sure it would reopen if the fight continued for much longer. It would just have to work until then.

Glaring over at the albio, Rogon yelled at his former brother in arms through gritted teeth. “DO YOU EVEN CARE WHY I LEFT, SIGHT…”

Standing up, the Kaleesh charged the ablio. Sight reignited his yellow saber and met the charge head on. Skar’s rage was frightening as he pushed Sight back in a furious assault of blade strikes and kicks.

Sight managed to catch one of Skar’s strikes into a blade lock. Rrogon leaned in close to his opponent and said in a rage filled monotone, “of course I shouldn't expect you to care why, you're just another pawn in the Arcnone’s bid for power in this fight. No care or second thought into thinking that they might be wrong.”

Skar let the dark side and rage flow through his body letting it augment his muscles ashe pressed down hard against Sight’s own blade. Fear filled Sights eyes as his arms quivered and then buckled as he went to one knee. “I left the Nighthawk to protect that which I hold dear Sight,I already lost one family to betrayal and backstabbing I WILL NOT LOSE ANOTHER!”

Sight strained against the Kaleesh’s overwhelming strength, knowing he wouldn’t last much longer. Each passing second brought the yellow and emerald blades closer to entering the Priest’s flesh. The Human knew he had to get away from Rrogon and keep his distance. Quickly closing his crimson orbs Sight channeled the Force to his aid, a blinding light manifesting mere centimeters in front of Skar’s face. Using the Obelisk’s own forward pressure against him, Sight angled his blade to the right as he rolled to the left. His eyes open again the Krath backed away from the raging Kaleesh as Skar stumbled forward.

“I don’t care if you are protecting the few you hold dear! You betrayed your shipmates! Is that how you are? Protecting only a few of your brothers and sister by forsaking the rest!” The albino screamed at the younger male.

Blinking as his vision cleared, Skar thought upon the Priest's words and his rage began to subside.

“You don’t know what your talking about,” the Obelisk retorted as he steeled his mind and charged at Sight once again.

Merely shaking his head, the Human raised an arm, the Force flowing through him and outwards toward Skar. The young Kaleesh found himself lifted from the ground, his arms trapped against his sides. It was as if the Obelisk had become trapped in a vice. Sight’s bloodlust began to peak as he watched his former comrade struggle in vain against his hold. The Priest’s arm moved quickly downward, the movement mirrored and exaggerated by his floating opponent.

Pain screamed across Skar’s body as he was slammed into the ground twice in quick succession. Raising his opponent one last time as he walked toward Rrogon, the Priest released his grip upon the Kaleesh, which caused him to fall to the ground. Skar pushed himself back to his feet as a wall of telekinetic energy slammed into his chest, sending him flying backward several meters.

The fresh pain of cracked ribs and the wet feeling of fresh blood stuck out in the younger male’s mind as he lay upon his back. Skar realized distractedly that the knife wound from earlier had reopened. Though he did not have the time to close it again as a shadow fell across his face.

Sight stared down at his former friend through crimson eyes. The Kaleesh lay upon the ground before the Priest bruised and broken. A sinister feeling of joy filled the Human as he bore witness to the devastation he had wrought upon the Obelisk. His porcelain hand raising one last time, the Krath sent forth a spark of Force guided electricity into Skar’s face. As the Kaleesh convulsed upon the ground Sight’s yellow blade separated the whelp’s body from his head in a single stroke.

The light was waning in the courtyard as the night approached. The Krath left the the body of the Obelisk where it lay. Pulling his hood up, Sight strode once more into the hallways of the Arconan Citadel, a feeling of twisted elation filling him. The dark of the night before the murderous Krath promised to be a bloody one.

Rage was burning in Rrogon’s eyes as he bore down on Sight. A twinge In the Force alerted him to impending danger but the warning came too late as he felt a powerful telekinetic force slam into his chest, sending him flying away from the Krath. Blinding pain flared up all over Rrogon’s body as his back slammed into a nearby tree that stood in the middle of the courtyard.

Landing on his hands and knees at the base of the tree, Skar’s mask fell off and landed next to him. Rogon was in so much pain he nearly passed out from the impact alone, it took everything he had to stay chest felt like a speeder had hit it and he knew that several, if not all, of his ribs were broken. Some of his ribs might have been shattered in the impact. Coughing violently, Skar looked in fear at the large about of blood that came with it, his lungs must have been punctured by a rib or two.

The sound of feet hitting the ground made Skar lift his head so he could see Sight getting closer, lightsaber in hand, an unnerving look of concentration on his face. Glancing around his immediate area Sar looked for his own saber that had been knocked from his hand, his eyes fell upon it’s resting place several feet away from him, too far for him to reach in his current state.

Trying to stand, Skar found that it was too painful and so he just slumped up against the tree behind him. Lifting his hand toward his saber he tried to reach out with the Force to grab it and bring it to him but he found that the Force did not respond to him. Glancing back to the Krath Skar realized what he was doing, the Nighthawks head Engineer was suppressing his Force powers so that he could kill him quickly without any resistance.

Smiling up at the Krath, who now loumed over him Rogon just spoke in a voice that was so full of hate and pity the Krath visibly flinched at it. “So you all want to win so badly that you would destroy the only dream that I hold dear? Do you feel no shame at all? Fine then …. FINISH IT THEN SIGHT! But know I won’t forgive you or anyone of you traitors for this, all of you monsters who would disgrace one’s honor for personal gain hear me now….”

Skar started violently coughing again as the blood began to fill lungs once more “Let my blood taint your dreams! May your victory be cursed, and when you all fall into the pits of whatever hell claims you. May you all remember the rage of Rrogon Skar Sehsai!”

Lifting his lightsaber high above his head before bringing it down cutting Rrogon’s head clean from his shoulders which landed with a sickening thud beside the now lifeless body. Without a seconds hesitation Sight turned and began walking away from his former crew member,leaving his body there to rot in the sun.