Seer Tisto Kingang vs. Seer Alara Deathbane

Seer Tisto Kingang

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Kiffar, Force Disciple, Juggernaut

Seer Alara Deathbane

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Female Sephi, Force Disciple, Marauder

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Hall Operation: Tempered Iron [2018]
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition [ACC] Operation: Tempered Iron
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Seer Tisto Kingang, Seer Alara Deathbane
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Seer Tisto Kingang's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Seer Alara Deathbane's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Dathomir: Desolate Swamps
Last Post 9 September, 2018 1:56 AM UTC
Member timing out Grand Inquisitor Tisto Kingang

Dathomir Desolate Swamp

Once, it was the home to the witches of Dathomir, otherwise known as the Nightsisters. Tucked away in from the rest of the galaxy in an isolated cluster, the Nightsisters were able to draw energy from the planet itself, and pursued a type of ritualistic magic. They ruled over the population of Zabrak—Nightbrothers—and used them as a warrior caste to serve their purposes.

Then, the Clone Wars. The Nightsisters were pulled into the conflict due to the machinations of Mother Talzin and her rival Darth Sidious. This ultimately led to the eradication of the Dathomirians and their settlements. The desolation was claimed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems after the last Nightsister fell.

Now, the planet known as Dathomir is a haunted skeleton of its former greatness. A perpetual crimson glow coats the planet. The bleak world has become an amalgamation of ruined forest, decrepit swamp lands, and withered mountains worn to the sands of time.

In the desolate swamps, faint echoes haunt the graves of the long-dead witches, infusing the green fog that spreads above the damp ground. Dreadful whispers rumoured to be lingering incantations defend the world from intruders. Tall tales and rumors of zombies and ritual sacrifice alluding to grisly flashes of imagery.

The trees, large and misshapen, promise misery to those who touch their tortured bark and open themselves to the memories of the place. Eerie as the voices over the wind, the water beneath the fog appears red and bubbling, as if the land itself were pockmarked in cauldrons of blood to keep the incantations alive.

Creatures unaffected by the purge of the Nightsisters still remain. Snakes, reptiles and insects of varying lethality wander the wasteland. Reports have even said that rancor still roam freely.

This is Dathomir.

Alara stood her ground in the desolate, crimson wasteland. Beneath her, the soil smelled of mold and sulfur. It was as if hell itself was unleashed around her. Braecen, her adoptive master, said it would be a great place to test her nerves for training against a Jedi. She didn't know much of the Juggernaut she was scheduled to meet here, but she knew she wasn't looking forward to it. The eerie blood-red fog that surrounded the battlefield slightly stung her eyes as she glanced around to meet her combatant.

Finally her fellow trainee entered the scene, walking solemnly through the dense fog. The Kiffar's shape reminded her very much of her own Kiffar boyfriend, Jorm, but his eyes and his hair were wildly different than those of his race. His witchy hazel eyes darted from the peripheral to his focused view on the Sephi before him. She could sense the uneasiness in his motions. This place would make anyone feel as such.

Before saying anything, Alara reached for her sabers on her belt and clipped them off of their holdings. She casually flung them up in the air to catch them, like her boyfriend's jesting spirit was rubbing off on her. Alara gave a clever smirk to her opponent, caught her sabers in hand, and bowed politely while Tisto came to a halt before her.

"Charmed, I'm sure," Alara grinned. "So you're the baddy that the Dark Jedi Brotherhood chose first for me."

"I'm shocked at your vocabulary, Alara," Tisto smirked slightly at her reasoning, "I think you're the first Dark Sider to not call me a Lightie. What makes you think that I'm bad?"

"Well, Tisto," Alara spoke coyly, "You're a baddy in somebody's story. And right now, we have to see who wins this trainee battle. So we'll play narrative and you'll be my antagonist."

With a slight chuckle, the Jedi lifted his fists to the she-Marauder and smiled above his knuckles towards her. "Aren't narcissits known to antagonize people frequently? For a potential narcissist, and a writer of sorts, you aren't very smart."

Alara, slightly offended, crossed her arms and was about to question his criticism until her mind finally came upon realization of what he meant.

"That's right, darling. I don't use sabers. I'm all about fighting with true art... I prefer to get my hands dirty."

With that, the Kiffar charged towards the vulnerable blonde and raised his right fist to make impact on her left shoulder.