Battlemaster Wrathus vs. Warrior Magik

Battlemaster Wrathus

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Epicanthix, Sith, Juggernaut, Imperial

Warrior Magik

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Sith, Arcanist, Imperial

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Hall Operation: Tempered Iron [2018]
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition [ACC] Operation: Tempered Iron
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Battlemaster Wrathus, Warrior Magik
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Battlemaster Wrathus's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Warrior Magik's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Coruscant: Club Kasakar
Last Post 10 September, 2018 1:22 AM UTC
Member timing out Chronicler Arcadia “Caid” Skålson

Coruscant Club Kasakar

Anakin once visited Coruscant’s underbelly, as an escort for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s secret visit. Festering within the 2685th level of Coruscant, it is a feeding ground to the best and worst criminals—bureaucrats among them. Slaves and contraband are bought and sold on the hour, while others gamble with their lives or ill-gotten gains on the roll of a chance cube.

Others are content to seek entertainment, watching holographic projections of exotic dancers in various states of undress—the likes of which will no doubt be traded as slaves in exchange for credits or other services. Games of chance are often obscured under the sheer volume of patrons gathered around the game tables. Smaller round tables serve for social or business gatherings, with more discreet booths tucked into alcoves along the walls.

Having undergone unfinished renovations at some point, the ceiling has been raised to resemble that of a warehouse. Smoke gathers among the durasteel supports, making a buffer for the intense red and violet beams lighting the cesspit below. Zeltron perfumes are among the most common smells in the establishment, while the rolling of dice cubes make for the most recognizable sound above the music. Fights don’t often break out, and violence is often dissuaded at the sight of armoured bouncers several heads taller than most humanoids

Club Kasakar was nothing new to Magik. Kasakar was Magik's second home while on Coruscant. It was here where he eased his mind during late hours of the night. As Magik was well dressed for the ocassion in his Inquisitor armor and jedi hunters cloak. He blended in well next to the patrons, criminals, bureaucrats. The entertainment here was top notch as he indulged in the scenery of exotic women. Something he more rather enjoyed. As the drinks were being served the band played wonderful Coruscant house music. Magik really hated making a scene in such fine establishments nothing he was known for doing.

It seemed like he had been there for hours as he watched the chance cubes dance on the floor while republic credits switched hands on the tables. The glimmer from the lighting above made everything seem more attainable. The servers were wearing mid drift halter top tees and miniskirts to make the night more desirable. As it was hard not to notice. Presumably the best the club had to offer. As he waited he scoped out the club just to make sure nobody had followed him. Like always privacy was at the top of Magik's concerns. It was hard to go unnoticed in a place such as this.

Magik waited for his Wrathus to arrive. He had tracked Wrathus to this very spot and was expecting him to show. As Magik was known for being a calm individual it was hard pursuading the bouncers otherwise. The club was set as he waited on Wrathus to show his face. While he flirted with several of the servers nothing seemed out of the ordinary except the fact that Wrathus had to be finished here tonight. Tracking Wrathus on Coruscant was no easy task. He had been spotted by several Arconan spies on Coruscant who strategically led him to this very club. A place that Magik sawl fit to end this once and for all. Standing around the tables Magik watched the betters and gamblers throw credits around at eachother as he prepared himself for battle. The tables were spread out across the club as Magik had been waiting in the back of the club where he would go unnoticed.