Raider Tabriss vs. Savant Sera Kaern

Raider Tabriss

Equite 2, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Chiss, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist

Savant Sera Kaern

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Female Zabrak, Force Disciple, Marauder, Sentinel

Thanks to the efforts of two skilled writers, this ACC match read like a well-crafted short story. Both writers used conflict, characterisation, tension building and plot twists throughout to keep their readers engaged in a compelling story that challenged its characters in more ways than one.

Both Lucine and Sera had their own outstanding moments of storytelling (see the post comments!) that made it difficult to award an advantage, but ultimately I had to go with Sera for consistently driving the plot and genuinely shaping the story in each of her posts. Utilizing a comment from Lucine’s first post, Sera created and wove a theme of “two hunters are better than one” throughout the match, using it both to introduce new plot elements and to color the emotions and motivations of her character. By the end of the story, Sera brought her character into conflict with not only the beasts, but also with her own nature and ultimately with Tabriss in order to hold the ground she gains in the story.

Even so, Lucine wrote Sera so well that it was at times easy to forget who was writing. She also introduced many of the plot elements that forced Sera’s character into those conflicts.

Overall, it was a fantastic match that was a pleasure to read and judge. Thanks to both of you for participating!

Hall SARLACC [2021]
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Raider Tabriss, Savant Sera Kaern
Winner Savant Sera Kaern
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Raider Tabriss's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Savant Sera Kaern's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue [Scenario] SARLACC 2021, Round 1: Breached Hot Labs
Last Post 26 January, 2021 11:46 PM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Lucine Vasano Sera Kaern
Score: 4 (Advantage) Score: 4
Rationale: Only a single word choice syntax error. Great job! Rationale: Very few minor errors that did not distract from the story.
Story - 40%
Lucine Vasano Sera Kaern
Score: 5 Score: 5 (Advantage)
Rationale: Your posts had every element of a strong story, standing out for their characterisation and tension-building. Rationale: Your posts were expertly crafted to tell a cohesive and clearly themed story, earning you the advantage in a tight contest!
Realism - 25%
Lucine Vasano Sera Kaern
Score: 4 Score: 5
Rationale: One minor realism detractor. Rationale: No issues found. Well done!
Continuity - 20%
Lucine Vasano Sera Kaern
Score: 5 Score: 5
Rationale: No issues found. Well done! Rationale: No issues found. Well done!
Lucine Vasano's Score: 4.67 Sera Kaern's Score: 5.05


The Fourteenth Great Jedi War left deep wounds across the surface of Arx. One such victim, unnoticed by the Brotherhood at large, was the Corrino Research Laboratory on the marshy continent of Uskil. The Collective had assaulted the Shadow Academy's Nesolat platform to gain access to the surface of Arx, its strategic importance dwarfing its role as an isolated research facility. When the battle moved to the planet's surface, the Nesolat was discarded like so much chaff, and debris from the disintegrating station was scattered across the planet.

Some of that debris struck the specimen habitat, damaging them enough for the specimens contained within to escape into Uskil’s swampy wilderness. In the aftermath of the invasion, playing animal control was a low priority for the Iron Throne, but the beasts became more of a nuisance—and even a danger—as time went on. Their exposure to the maelstrom of Force energies around Uskil, stirred up by the Grand Master’s ritual during the invasion, has made the creatures aggressive and unpredictable.

Rather than wandering Uskil’s swampy, storm-soaked wildlands, many of the escaped beasts have since returned to their ruined habitats, finding the climate more to their liking; it was designed for them, after all. They’ve since become extremely territorial, attacking any Shadow Academy staff who try to remove them so the habitats can be rebuilt. Rather than continue to delay the Academy’s research and sacrifice hapless construction workers and lab technicians, the Headmistress has put out a call to any members of the Brotherhood who are willing to help with the problem.

Your goal in this scenario is to subdue and capture the hostile creature so that it can be transported to a different facility for further testing. As the creature has been modified by the Academy’s scientists, the Headmistress would strongly prefer that you capture it alive, rather than killing it and forcing the researchers to make do with data from a dead specimen.

Sera Kaern kept herself low to the ground as she prowled through the ruins of the specimen habitat. It appeared that the enclosure had once mimicked a deep forest biome, choked with thick trunks and large, heavy branches. The forest floor was made of dark, loamy soil that allowed the undergrowth to thrive despite the limited amount of light allowed through by the dense canopy above.

The environment could not be any more different from the sweeping dunes of Iridonia. Despite the vast differences between the two locations, the hunt remained the same. The art of the chase, the eternal dance between hunter and hunted, predator and prey, these things were woven into the very fabric of nature itself.

Back home, Sera had become well versed in the art of the hunt. As a child, her games had revolved around stalking her prey and bringing it down. When she was finally old enough, she had been trained by the very best hunters in her tribe. There was nothing she loved more than the thrill of the chase. This time, her prey was a nexu, a fierce, clever hunter and a worthy challenge.

The dark soil told her stories. Pawprints and broken undergrowth revealed to her that her prey was approximately three meters long. Thin scratches in the tree bark told her that she did not want to run afoul of its defensive quills. She reached out a hand and lightly traced the deep claw marks that scored the grey tree bark, before studying the branches above intently. Could nexu climb trees?

Even as the thought occurred to her, the Force screamed a warning. She moved without thinking, ducking and rolling even as she sensed something streaking toward her from above. She came up in a crouch with her kithani raised in a defensive position, facing the nexu that had attacked from above.

Its tail lashed around it, though the rest of its body remained as still as a stone. Its red eyes shone with a killer's instinct, and its mouth opened to reveal its sharp teeth. Muscles moved smoothly beneath its greenish-yellow fur as it shifted, preparing to pounce.

When staring face to face with a fierce apex predator, most people had the good sense to be afraid. Alas, Sera was not ‘most people’. “Oh, you are beautiful,” she told the nexu as she offered it a wide smile. She then noticed its swollen belly. “Oh! And you’re pregnant! Congratulations!”

The nexu did not accept Sera’s congratulations gracefully. Instead, she leaped forward in a sudden burst of motion, her claws outstretched to bring Sera down. But the Zabraki was prepared and twisted away before the large cat could touch her.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sera saw the flash of metal, and the nexu suddenly screamed in pain as a throwing dagger suddenly sprouted in her paw. Careful to keep one eye on the majestic cat, she glanced over to see a lean Chiss clad in a black tailcoat.

“I do apologize for my tardiness,” Tabriss said as he bowed to Sera. “Well done in finding the nexu!”

“What are you doing here?” Sera asked. She risked a quick glance around. “Is Lucine here too?”

“My lady is currently pursuing a pack of mastiff phalones, roughly fifty kilometers south of here,” the butler replied. “She asked that I follow you and provide any assistance that I can.”

“Really? That’s great!” Sera said as she gave him a beaming smile. “Hunting with friends is much better than hunting alone!”

“I quite agree, Miss,” Tabriss said. He drew a pair of twin slugthrowers from holsters hidden beneath his coat. “Shall we?”

Meanwhile, the nexu’s head darted between the two of them as she weighed their threat levels. Apparently, she did not like her odds. She abruptly turned and streaked deeper into the forest biome, quickly disappearing from sight.

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 31 January, 2021 3:41 AM UTC

What Went Well

This was an excellent first post that used the environment itself as a characterisation tool to introduce the reader to Sera, giving us insights into both her history and motivations. You made good use of her aspects, abilities and fighting style. Tabriss’ introduction was less detailed but still interesting enough to make me curious how this pair would interact on their mission.

Room for Growth

When staring face to face with an apex predator ...

This is a minor word choice issue, but when you say “staring with”, you’re implying that both the subject and the object are staring in concert rather than staring at one another, but “face to face” is a picture of staring at, so your phrase contradicts itself. A simple solution here would be to remove “staring” and let “face to face” stand alone as, “When face to face with an apex predator...”

The hunt thrummed in their hearts. It was a sensation that was meant to be shared. Two hunters were far better than one, afterall. They could watch each other's backs, mind each other’s steps. Things that were very, very important when stalking dangerous prey...or getting hunted yourself.

Sera could feel it as they took off after their quarry. The forest, though artificial, was still undoubtedly feral. Shattered by the debris of the Nesolat, what had once been a sanitized, synthetic environment had been allowed to grow with abandon, infiltrated by the wild growth of the marsh outside. Where the trees and leafy ferns had once been watered by nutrient-enriched sprinklers, they were now fed by natural rain, pouring through breaches in the roof and ceiling. Vines crept in as well, forming a haphazard lattice of greenery that choked once-clear walkways. The duo sprinted through in pursuit of their quarry, twin blurs under the canopy’s false twilight.

The Zabrak opened her mind to the Force, and her senses to the forest. The nexu was graceful, but the wound that Tabriss had inflicted upon it slowed it down and made it clumsy. Drops of dark blood spattered crushed vegetation; claws left gouges where they had dug into the mud. More than that, she could feel it ahead, animal fear and predatory inclination, a deadly beast pressed into a corner.

Tabriss was focused on something else entirely.

“Miss Kaern,” he called, bidding Sera to halt in her tracks. She turned, a question already on her lips, but he silenced her with a raise of his hand. The butler nodded toward the tree line, and she followed the track of his luminous red gaze.

Claw marks in the bark. Far, far more than there had been earlier, ripped up and down the length of almost every tree. There was a faint scent in the air, one part bitter, one part sickly, acridly sweet. Rotten meat.

“...the den must be close,” Sera whispered, dropping into a low crouch. Tabriss nodded, sweeping cobalt bangs away from his eyes with the back of one hand.

“Exactly what I was thinking, Miss. I would advise caution and quietude,” he spoke, his prim and proper tone conflicting terribly with the mud that slicked his polished shoes, and the dark gleam of the slugthrowers in his hands.

“...righty, then. You know we’re supposed to take it in alive, yeah?” she questioned, cocking her head.

“My lady told me only to provide assistance, and to keep you safe, Miss Kaern. Nothing more, and nothing less,” the Chiss replied evenly.

“Uh...thanks! I think?” Sera responded, sighing under her breath. She dipped one hand to her belt, drawing her zabraki dagger into her hand. “Just...keep that in mind, yeah? I can draw her out, get her into the open for you to knock her down. Quick and easy.”

“Whatever you say, Miss.”

The two shared a nod. Sera’s was eager, Tabriss’ a barely perceptible inclination of his head. Then, moving as one, they darted into the brush. Ahead, hidden in the dark, a snarl of fallen branches and creeping vines formed into an imposing thicket, bordered by a line of ashen trees. It opened into a roughly circular clearing, the rich soil scattered with fragments of bone and spare patches of cloth. One looked like a labcoat, torn and bloodied.

They could see the Nexu waiting for them, halfway up a tree at the opposite end of the clearing. Four eyes, burning red, seemed to glow in the dark. A low, grating growl rose in the air, two rippling tones overlaid on top of each other. Warning them not to come any closer.

Sera ignored that warning, and stepped into the clearing, two daggers glittering in her hands. Kithani was clutched in her right, her other held in the left, grip inverted. She could feel the Nexu’s fear, her desperation, her fury for her young, soon to be born. It burned white-hot, and bade the Zabrak pause. The wrath of a mother to be was nothing to scoff at.

And there was something else. Cold, quiet, waiting. Not all that different from Tabriss, really. It was probably just him.

“We’re not going to kill you,” she promised, her voice low and quiet. “Just take you back to the doctors. They’ll keep you safe. Keep you fed.”

The Nexu, of course, didn’t reply. Instead, it pounced, a savage roar ripping from it’s maw as it coursed through the air towards the Zabrak, massive, scythe-like claws extended for the kill. Sera anticipated it, thrusting both hands forward, before slamming them downward. An invisible grip caught the creature in midair, plunging it to the ground before it could bowl Sera over. It scrambled as it landed, the telekinetic grip holding it in place...mostly. The creature lashed its forked tail outward, whipping the huntresses legs out from under her with blinding speed. The grip weakened as Sera’s concentration faltered, and the Nexu burst free, screaming as it scrabbled towards the Zabrak.

That scream faltered into a whimper as Sera flipped Kithani in her hand and launched it directly at the feline monster. The long, heavy blade sliced into the same forelimb that Tabriss had already injured, yellowish fur parting and dark blood oozing. It gave her just enough time to kip up to her feet and retreat to the center of the clearing, where she settled into an open, loose stance. Baiting the Nexu, waiting for it to charge her. For better or worse, it obliged, ripping forward with a low, limping gait that was more reptilian than feline, her belly pressed protectively into the earth, spines bristiling.

The Nexu roared, and Sera roared back, pointed teeth bared.

A gunshot interrupted their standoff, and the Nexu’s scream cut off with a cutting whimper of pain. Tabriss stepped into the clearing a half second later. Taking a few moments to line up his shot, to wait for the perfect moment, had been worth it. His slug had sliced cleanly through the sinew of the creature’s injured foreleg, leaving it trailing, useless. The animal might have had a mother’s wrath, a predator’s cunning and deadly strength...but, two hunters were always better than one.

“Well then. Let’s crack on, shall we, Miss…”

The Chiss stopped in his tracks...and sniffed the air. It was scented heavily with blood, the stench of rotting offal...and something else. Sour and acrid and...vulgar.

Piss. Spray.

The mate.

A low growl rose from the thicket behind him.

Sera gave a high-pitched cry of alarm, and Tabriss whirled on his heel. He purposely dropped one of his slugthrowers, ripping the ceramic vibrodagger from his belt…just as another, smaller Nexu pounced from the trees, four bloody eyes blazing in the dark.

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 31 January, 2021 3:43 AM UTC

What Went Well

I loved how you took Sera’s comment about two hunters being better than one in the previous post and brought it immediately into the narrative in a way that ultimately becomes the theme of this story. It was a particularly nice touch when you used it expertly again at the end of the post to almost foreshadow the arrival of the beast’s mate. Well done!

Your description and use of the environment is excellent and draws upon multiple senses. You do a good job of using contrasts to characterise Sera and Tabriss (Sera almost lost in her primal and Force-enhanced senses and Tabriss’ strong perception picking up the details to bring them closer to their quarry), and you use each of their strengths to establish believable team combat tactics. You also created some positive tension in the story by using the nexu’s pregnancy and Sera’s ability to sense its emotions to establish reader empathy for the creature.

And last but not least – hurrah for quietude!

Room for Growth

You had a few minor syntax errors in this post, including consistently capitalizing “nexu” when it shouldn’t be and forgetting to capitalize Zabraki in “Zabraki dagger” as an adjective based on the name of a species.

The other was a typo where you wrote “a savage roar ripping from it’s maw” rather than “its maw” in the possessive.

The nexu leaped forward with claws outstretched, ready to bring his prey down and rend flesh from bone. He impacted against the butler, the sudden weight pushing him off balance and causing him to fall. He landed on his back and kept rolling, bending his knees and sweeping his legs upward. The nexu was thrown forward, carried by his momentum, though his claws cut deep scratches as he went.

Then, both the Chiss and the nexu were scrambling to find their feet. Still with his knees bent, Tabriss rocked forward into a crouching position, his slugthrower in one hand and the now-bloodied dagger in the other. The nexu, meanwhile, twisted and scrabbled until he was on his feet and facing the butler once more, his mouth pulled back into a silent snarl. His only movement was his tail, which lashed back and forth.

Sera was already moving, shouting and rushing forward in a vain attempt to distract the beast and rescue her companion. But the nexu had eyes only for the one who had drawn first blood on his mate. Despite the deep welts that were starting to stain his shirt crimson, Tabriss’s expression was dispassionate. He dropped his slugthrower and drew a second vibrodagger from a hidden sheath in his jacket. “Oh, do come on,” he told the nexu in a chilly voice. “I would like to return in time to prepare my lady’s tea.”

The beast obliged him. He roared furiously as he leapt forward, his mouth open wide to latch onto any part that he could. But Tabriss spun out of the way in a move that was remarkably similar to Sera’s own style, leaving the nexu to grab only empty air.

And then the Zabrak was there, interposing herself between the carnivore and the butler. The nexu whirled and lashed out with his claws, cutting deep scratches in her armor but leaving her unharmed. She reciprocated with a fierce upward kick that struck the underside of the nexu’s jaw with a sharp CRACK. The kick drove the nexu’s whole body upward, enough to see the thin scratches on the beast’s belly, no doubt scored when he had first leapt upon Tabriss.

The butler was not done. As the nexu focused his blood-red eyes on Sera, the Chiss twisted past her, lashing out with the dagger in his off-hand as he moved into a flanking position behind the beast. Sera grinned toothily at the tactic. Though they were still in danger, the flanking maneuver gave them an advantage.

The nexu twisted and hissed, trying to menace both of them at once even as he tried to defend against all potential attacks. In turn, Tabriss and Sera worked in tandem, attacking and retreating, harassing the nexu. Both Sera and Tabriss would occasionally score a small hit with their weapon, creating another in a myriad of small cuts that marked the predator’s hide. Gradually, the beast’s movements began to slow, his attacks becoming more uncoordinated and sluggish.

Finally, he gave a plaintive yowl before darting between them, trying to escape. He reached the nearest tree and jumped, his claws scraping in the bark as he tried to climb. But he did not have the strength. The nexu fell to the ground with a heavy thud and a second mournful yowl before lying still.

“We did it!” Sera cheered. “What a fantastic hunt. Great job, Tabby!”

“Thank you, Miss Kaern,” Tabriss replied. Now that the danger was past, he smiled, though the expression was dulled slightly by the pain of his injuries. “If I could not go toe to toe with a fierce predator using only my knives and a bit of poison, what kind of butler would I be?”

“I guess so!” the Zabrak said, though her smile dimmed a bit at the mention of poison. “I guess the next step is to get these guys back and get someone to take a look at you. Those look like some nasty cuts!”

As she turned to look at the female nexu, it immediately became apparent that something was wrong. The female lay on her side, her wounded leg hidden underneath her. She was panting and occasionally making soft mewling noises as she stared blankly into the space in front of her. A large pool of blood was soaked into the dirt beneath her, draining steadily from her nearly severed paw.

“Did you use poison on her too?” Sera asked as she carefully approached the female nexu, unable to keep the concern from her voice. Red eyes flicked toward her at her approach, and the nexu pulled back her lips to reveal her fangs in a futile, threatening gesture.

“No,” Tabriss replied. “I cannot be sure without examining her more closely, but it is likely from blood loss. If her wounds are not treated quickly, I suspect she might die before the Shadow Academy comes to collect her.”

“If not her, then definitely the babies,” Sera breathed. Her eyes narrowed and she set her jaw in determination. “No. We can’t let that happen.”

Tabriss paused and glanced at Sera with raised eyebrows. But at last, he sighed. “Very well, as you wish, Miss Kaern. I believe I saw some herbs around here that could be used to slow the bleeding. But seeing as how she appears to have some fight left, you will need to restrain her while I administer them. Can you do that?”

Sera nodded and Tabriss disappeared into the surrounding foliage in search of the herbs he had mentioned. Sera knelt in the dirt near the nexu. She regarded the predator for a moment, reflecting on her beauty and skill as a huntress. She bowed her head and closed her eyes as she began to quietly chant a Zabraki prayer that honored a worthy opponent.

The nexu regarded her quietly for several seconds before shifting her weight off of her wounded foot. The Shadow Academy researchers had done their work well, and the treatments that were intended to increase the nexu’s healing were working remarkably well. Muscle and sinew had already knitted the bones back together. A small amount of blood continued to ooze from the ragged tear in flesh and fur, but on the whole, the wound had almost completely healed. The nexu experimentally pressed her foot against the ground.

It was then that Sera opened her eyes to see the nexu getting shakily to her feet. All four feet. She tensed as the mother swung her blood red eyes around to fix her gaze on her.

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 31 January, 2021 3:51 AM UTC

What Went Well

This post does a good job of fleshing out Tabriss a little more as a character – particularly through his unique style of dialogue. I also liked the subtlety of Sera’s dimming smile at the mention of Tabriss’ use of poison, though she never overtly protests and presses the point.

The post also serves to bring the tension created by the previous posts to a head as Sera determines uncharacteristically to abandon her mission in favor of showing kindness to the nexu and/or her babies – only to immediately have her mercies challenged by the twist of the nexu’s accelerated healing. Loved it. :)

Room for Growth

"And then the Zabrak was there, interposing herself between the carnivore and the butler. The nexu whirled and lashed out with his claws, cutting deep scratches in her armor but leaving her unharmed. She reciprocated with a fierce upward kick that struck the underside of the nexu’s jaw with a sharp CRACK. The kick drove the nexu’s whole body upward, enough to see the thin scratches on the beast’s belly, no doubt scored when he had first leapt upon Tabriss."

I had two minor realism issues with the above paragraph. The first is the nexu’s claws cutting “deep scratches” into Sera’s armor but leaving her unharmed. As Sera is only wearing light armor, it’s hard to imagine that deep scratches from the claws of a beast like a nexu (which later shred her armor with a swipe) would entirely fail to injure her.

The second is Sera’s kick to the underside of the nexu’s jaw driving its whole body upward. While this is a common trope (and thus only a comment rather than a detractor), in reality it’s more likely that a kick like this would simply snap the creature’s head back – not lift its body from the ground.

Their eyes met. Bright blue gazed into dark, burning crimson, all four scarlet orbs staring unblinkingly, the Zabrak’s reflection unmuddled in their glassy surfaces. Sera could feel the feral anger behind that gaze, animal pain and fear, the primal power of a creature that utterly refused to be prey. Ancestors, the Nexu really was beautiful. Tight, lithe, newly repaired muscles tightly bunched under the oddly yellow fur, knotting and releasing with the effortless finesse of an apex predator. Certainly worthy of the praise that she had been praying for, just before the thing woke up and tried to kill her again.

The thing pounced directly at her, its massive, fang-filled maw stretching wide. Sera rolled to the side at the last possible moment, her hand reaching for her belt, but the creature knew what she was doing this time. Its long, forked tail lashed backward, whipping around Sera’s throat and pulling her to the ground. The hold didn’t last, of course. The Zabrak’s left hand flicked to the sheath at her thigh in an instant, ripping it free from the sheath and slashing upward in the same, fluid motion. Flesh and bone parted easily before the tried and tested Zabraki blade, the tail’s severed tip falling away with a spurt of dark blood.

That left the Nexu plenty of time to turn around and pounce again...and this time, there was nowhere to go. The beast’s mass knocked Sera’s dagger from her grip, serrated claws digging through her armor and biting deep into the flesh beneath. One slash shredded the Zabrak’s thin breastplate, while the next ripped three bloody rents down her collarbone, the pain flashing white hot in Sera’s mind.

Then, it tried to bite her head off.

Operating on instinct and lightning fast reflexes, Sera thrust her armor-plated forearm between the beast’s chomping jaws. The silvery metal buckled before the astonishing force of the Nexu’s bite, sparks bursting as its weapon systems malfunctioned, and Sera felt her wrist scream in protest as her bones ground together under the crushing pressure. It would only take seconds for the creature to bite through, or rip her arm clean off. The move bought her nothing but time, a mere few paltry moments.

Thankfully, that was all she needed. For two hunters were always better than one.

She saw him in the corner of her vision, a dark, shadowlike blur. Something gleamed in his hands, flipping through the air. A small throwing dagger sprouted at the base of one of the Nexu’s forelimbs, blood spurting. Then another, in-between two ribs. A third sliced dangerously close to her swelling belly, and the beast reared back in sudden pain and fear. Sera took hold of the moment, ripping her injured arm free of the creature’s jaws. She lashed out with a headbutt, thankful for the keen attention she paid to her horns as they ripped into the beast’s lower jaw. It pushed the Nexu back even farther, yowling in pain...and gave Sera just enough room to reach her dagger.

The long blade cut through the air like a silver sliver of moonlight. It slashed across the Nexu’s face, ripping through the central-right eye. Blinded, stunned by the multitude of attacks, the creature stumbled backwards, shaking its head fitfully as it tried to blink blood out and away from its remaining eyes. Sera scrambled to her feet, and Tabriss was at her side in an instant. He threw an arm across her shoulder, supporting the Zabrak as she stumbled. She leaned into him in turn, inverting the grip on her dagger and pointing it towards their quarry.

Tabriss raised a long, black slugthrower in his hand.

And Sera blinked.

There was blood pouring down her face. Her own was a dark, ruby red, pouring from the inch-deep trio of gashes ripped into her collarbone, the source of the agony blooming across her body. The Nexu’s was dark, almost maroon. It painted her where her horns had pierced its jaw, where her dagger had cut across its face.

The creature was backing front of her mate. She hovered over the downed male, a low, gurgling growl in her throat. Dark blood seeped from a half-dozen wounds along her body. They were healing quickly, knitting together into patches of shiny scar tissue, joining the innumerable scars that crossed under her blood stained fur. Not all of them looked like battle scars.

Incisions. Punctures. Stitch marks. The leftovers of whatever experiments had been performed on her.

Sera watched as the slash slowly healed across the Nexu’s face, knitting into a long, hook shaped scar. Her one free hand reached to her own face, fingers trailing over the scar that stretched from her brow to her chin. She glanced at Tabriss, the bloody wounds ripped into his chest by the male’s claws. Still, he supported her, standing protectively over her...just as she had when he’d been attacked.

She could feel what the Nexu felt. Anger, yes. Pain, yes.

Fear. Fear, most of all. Not for herself, but for her mate. For her children, yet to be born.

Two hunters were better than one.

A hunter, and a huntress.

Tabriss’ finger started to squeeze the trigger...before Sera pushed the barrel down. He shot her a quizzical look, blood-streaked brow quirking over glowing crimson eyes.

“No. Not...not today. Not us.”


“C’mon, Tabby. We’re getting out of here,” she insisted, tugging at his shredded suit jacket. The Nexu produced a quizzical growl as she started to turn around, backing up another limping step.

“Miss Kaern, I find this...rather ridiculous. Our mission-...”

My mission,” she interrupted, grinning as she felt his momentary flash of irritation. He didn’t betray it at all, of course. His gaze was still fixed on the Nexu, watching for any signs of movement. “Luci gave you your orders, didn’t she? Assist me. Protect me. Well...I say that we’re done here. The Academy has learned enough from these two. They deserve...better.”

Tabriss gave her a long, flat stare. His pupil-less gaze and chiseled blue features were completely unreadable. Thankfully, she didn’t need to read them. She could feel the mental gymnastics he was doing, trying to determine if this was actually something she could make him do, whether it fit into protocol, and, of course, what Lucine would think.

Tabriss’ gaze narrowed. Then, he brushed his cobalt-blue bangs back with the back of his hand, and moved to join her...keeping a watchful eye on the Nexu all the while. She made no move to pursue them. Instead, she dropped heavily down by her mate’s side...and started to lick his wounds.

For now, the hunt was over. Until the next hunter came along, of course. All four of them knew the Shadow Academy would try to send more. It was in their nature. Hopefully, for the hunter’s own sake, they wouldn’t try to come alone.

For, where the wild things run, and savage creatures wait, two hunters is always better than one.

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 31 January, 2021 3:52 AM UTC

What Went Well

A perfect conclusion to this story! I loved how you used the comparison between the two predators and the two hunters looking after one another to seal Sera’s resolve to abandon the mission (though Ciara certainly will not approve!). Your “two hunters are better than one” theme was nicely woven throughout the match and tied in a neat bow with this post.

Room for Growth

Unfortunately, you made a syntax error (or a typo) in the last line. “Two hunters is always better than one” should have been, “Two hunters are always better than one.”

This can be tricky because of the expression, “Two is better than one,” but that’s because in that sentence you’re treating “two” as a (singular) number, but in your sentence, you’re referring to the plural “hunters,” so you need to match with are.