Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae vs. Acolyte Hevan Slavis

Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae

Elder 1, Elder tier, Clan Plagueis
Female Togruta, Sith, Shadow

Acolyte Hevan Slavis

Journeyman 2, Journeyman tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Human, Sith, Shadow

Wow this was a very impressive story to read through. Excellent use of the scenario, flowing off each others posts, and realism within. This is one you both should be very proud of, fantastic work!

Hall Scenario Hall
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae, Acolyte Hevan Slavis
Winner Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Acolyte Hevan Slavis's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue [Scenario] Umbara: Deals in the Dark
Last Post 21 February, 2023 6:40 PM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae Scout Hevan Slavis
Score: 4 Score: 3
Rationale: Rationale:
Story - 40%
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae Scout Hevan Slavis
Score: 5 (Advantage) Score: 5
Rationale: Rationale:
Realism - 30%
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae Scout Hevan Slavis
Score: 4 Score: 4 (Advantage)
Rationale: Rationale:
Creativity - 15%
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae Scout Hevan Slavis
Score: 4 (Advantage) Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae's Score: 4.67 Scout Hevan Slavis's Score: 4.4


Umbara, the "Shadow World", stands apart from the galaxy, cut off within the Ghost Nebula. This did not stop its native population from advancing their technology beyond the galactic standards and becoming a major exporter of doonium.

No sunlight reaches the surface of Umbara, leaving it and its denizens to adapt to a never-ending darkness. Thick clouds hang in the upper atmosphere while fog crawls along the ground, adding to the shroud of the planet and making even technological light sources limited in effectiveness. However, Umbara is not devoid of all natural light. Bioluminescent flora grows like tentacles reaching up from the ground and forming a jungle presence outside the populated cities. In lieu of grass, the ground is pockmarked by coiling plants that rise before turning in upon themselves.

Within this jungle expanse, there are two threats of note that have adapted to the climate of Umbara. Anyone treading upon this territory must be vigilant, lest they fall prey to the flying, predatory Banshee or worse, the Vixus.

It is not for the locale that members of the Brotherhood are drawn to Umbara. Having been members of the Republic—even Separatists—and later rebels under the heel of the Galactic Empire, some Umbarans have taken to living for themselves. These pirates are not above selling some of Umbara's more notable technological advancements. A group, calling themselves the "Shadow Cabal" and led by Wyss Teneb, have taken to exporting a gas capable of stimulating combatants to fight longer and harder.

It is this trade deal that brings you to such a dangerous place. Intel has been passed back and forth, leaving the trade itself in a state of confusion. No one is quite sure exactly who the buyer is. That leaves an opportunity. Some may try to discreetly slip into place and claim the trade for themselves, while others may genuinely be the buyer. The only constant is the chaos that could result from competing interests. An advantage—no matter the source—is beneficial to any force, be they Collective or Brotherhood in origin.

You step into the Shadow World with the future as shrouded as the planet itself.

It was like a sea of dark mottled colors, ranging from greens, browns, dark grays and blacks, with splotches of bright colors popping up and then scattering amongst the crowded warehouse. Tahiri would have preferred to have snuck in and hidden up in the rafters of this warehouse on the edge of the city. However, there was too much security on the roof for that to have happened. Instead, she was standing with her partner on the main floor waiting for the trade that they were expecting to go down any minute. The focus was a small raised dais with two glass terrariums on either side of it, was where the trade deals were to be done. Contained within each of the four large, tall cylindrical glass terrariums, were one of the planet's most dangerous creatures, the vixus. The purplish blue tentacles of the creatures would sway every once in a while, tapping the glass and scaring anyone near it. Once the leader of the Shadow Cabal, Wyss Teneb arrived on the dais, then the trading would begin.

Her partner tapped his boot in a constant rhythm against the durasteel floor, while leaning against one of the support pillars. TuQ said his new apprentice, Hevan Slavis, was impulsive, but good at laying out traps. So we'll see if this plan works. He’s patient, but I can still feel a bit of anxiety in him. Her own thoughts were almost hard to hear by the consistent din of the people around them. If chaos were to erupt anywhere in here, people, and items, could be lost rather easily.

"Do you think anyone here will recognize us as being from the Brotherhood?" a hushed whisper from over her shoulder, brought her out of her mental debate.

“Maybe, but probably not, besides there are more groups than just us in the universe. I mean, at least we’re not the ones who completely look out of place,” nodding at some of the fancier dressed and decked out attendees.

“True. If any of them are near the vixus', they will help create a greater diversion when it comes time.”

“Hehe, yes they will,” whispered the petite Togrute, as she smirked at the tall Human Acolyte towering next to her. A faint ping sounded from her Inquisitorius datapad. Grinning, she glanced up at him, “It’s time. Are you ready, Hevan?”

“Ready, Tahiri.”

Giving a nod, the Adept began to pull the Force into her muscles, while sending a mental order to her vornskr, Zuska, to stick to the shadows of the dais and await her command. Reaching out to Hevan through the Force, Tahiri carefully established a mental connection.

”Alright, let’s get the party started.”

Taking their positions on either side of the dais, close enough to get up to it quickly, just as the doors behind the platform opened and several Umbaran pirates filed onto it. Wyss Teneb walked confidently up and then motioned to the large chest that was brought in on a hover carrier.

“Welcome everyone. I see we have a few more guests than I expected at this trade. But I believe we have plenty of ‘product’ to go around. So have your credits ready and we shall begin.”

As the first set of buyers stepped forward, Tahiri clicked her tongue. Zuska jumped onto the dais, growling and then whipped and thrust his tail at the pirates. A couple of them screamed as one fell over clutching his leg, while another doubled over, gripping his side. With another growl and before any of the pirates could react to restrain the creature, the sleek black vornskr jumped off the platform, parting the crowd, and then slinking around Hevan’s legs.

Stepping forward, Hevan addressed Wyss, waving his hand in the air with a flourish, “Well, well. I knew pirates were greedy, but I didn’t believe it was to this extent. Now, I believe I’ll be taking all of the product you have with you, as per our agreement. Or, are you trying to back out of our deal?”

A flurry of movement followed this outburst, as pirates drew vibroblades and blasters out of their cloaks. Wyss stepped forward, waving his hand in the air as he did so, "Ahh, who may you be? Either way, you must know cannot possibly escape this place, you and your dog know this as well as I do," the pirate threw at Hevan, as his crew steadied weapons, preparing for a sudden fight. "Maybe, but while I'm here, I'd like to introduce a good friend of mine, Tahiri, if you please?"

Stepping out, the Togrute released branches of blue lightning into the glass around one of the Vixus, as the pirates ducked in confusion and terror, giving the two sith enough time to duck out of sight, and into the mass of buyers. As Wyss picked himself up, before regaining his composure, and gesturing to some his men to search the crowd, the duo had moved deeper into the maze of thugs and rouges, preparing to phase two of their plan. The pirates moved through the crowd, taking care to stick in groups to prevent ambush. Meanwhile, Hevan and Tahiri ducked behind the dias, pulling just underneath it's slatted wooden floor, directly underneath the cargo. While the pirates searched the crowd, Tahiri ordered Zuska to ambush the pirate groups in the crowd, which the Vornskr proceeded to do in savage fashion. With the distraction underway, the duo crept out of from under the platform, slashing the wooden supports as they did so, causing about half the platform to topple backwards, dislodging the container and pirates who remained up on the dias.

The two rear Vixus containers crashed down, the glass shattering , before reaching out to two pirates, and almost simultaneously pulling them into the dark mouths of the predatory plants. In the confusion of the crash, Hevan and Tahiri grabbed the container, slipping out of the crowded warehouse, and into the perpetual darkness of Umbara's jungle.

"That would be phase two done and dusted then," Hevan remarked, pulling the container out of sight, behind a particularly large Zabrak spine.

"For once, you would be right," the Togrute replied, with a mischievous grin over her face.

The duo heard a scream of anger from the warehouse, as a dozen still alive pirates poured out the entrances, followed by Wyss, limping slightly, with Zuska dragging behind him.

"Listen here you Jedi, I want my prize back, and I don't care what I have to do to get it back!" The Umbaran screamed out into the wilderness, pulling the Vornskr onto a rock.

"Jedi? I feel insulted!" Hevan's voice echoed out of the jungle, hiding his presence from the pirate leader.

"Now that I know that you can hear me, give me back my cargo, or your beast becomes a snack for the nearest Vixus I can find." The pirate's voice hid

his anger, while he ordered his men to spread out, searching the surroundings of the small clearing outside the warehouse. A chilling scream of anger filled the air, as Tahiri sprinted at Wyss, blades drawn, while the latter turned, just able to duck from the Togrute's crimson blade, drawing his own electrobaton, but falling of balance in the process, swinging wildly at where the female had just been, but making no contact. Pulling himself up, he saw the Vornskr had disappeared, and a still smoking slash where his head had been just moments ago.

Meanwhile. Hevan snuck around those pirates unaware of the duel, either cutting their throats with his humming vibrodagger, or leaving them to walk into traps or hostile creatures. As he rounded a Zabrak's spine, he was doused in light from a flashlight, catching him unaware and temporarily had his vision impaired. A shout for aid came from his assailant, before Hevan leapt at the source of the light, his vibrodagger feeling the pirate's warm blood flow over the guard and cover his hand. As he wrenched his blade from the corpse, he heard hurried conversation and footsteps crash through the flora, stumbling back and away, as two more pirates burst through the bioluminescent folliage.

As Tahiri spun around the pirate leader to avoid his baton, she mentally told Zuska to get under cover and only attack if he was being threatened. The four pirates who stayed with their leader, quickly tried to capture the petite Togruta, surrounding her as Wyss got up. Her face hardened, becoming a mask as she glanced at her five opponents.

Wyss spat at the ground and increased the setting on his electrobaton up two levels, “Oh girl, you picked the wrong day to steal from the Shadow Cabal. You were a fool to rush in like you did, cause we have you now surrounded.” Laughing he held out his baton as it crackled with energy. “I’m going to enjoy seeing you Jedi writhe on the ground in pain, then that boy is next."

Turning the Adept faced Wyss, relaxing her stance for a moment before she began chuckling herself. Her sulfuric yellow eyes danced around the five pirates around her, coming to rest back on the leader himself as her chuckle turned into a full jovial laugh. The pirates looked at her confused for a moment.

“Hey, what are you laughing about?” Wyss asked, grinding his teeth together.

“Haha, hah,” Tahiri slowed her laugh as she twirled her blood red vibrosword. “Oh nothing really. You must not get out much, cause I’m no Jedi.” Her lips parted slightly, as her smile widened into a grin, before dropping both of her vibroswords. As there was a brief pause of confusion and hesitation from the pirates, Tahiri called her saber hilt to her right hand, igniting the crimson blade, while in her left hand lightning jumped between her palm and finger tips.

“I’m a Sith,” was the last thing two pirates heard as she spun on her heel, pulling the Force into her muscles while lashing out with both her saber and lightning. Making short work of both the stunned Umbaran pirates, one falling with two dull thuds to the ground, their head rolling against the foot of their comrade. While the other writhed in pain on the ground before finally falling still, eyes rolled back with a silent scream permanently etched on their face. Facing Wyss again, Tahiri pushed out with an effort, the other two pirates were pushed back, one tripping over a bioluminescent shrub, leaving only Wyss standing, still holding his baton at her.

“I would suggest if you wish to keep your head, then you will leave immediately,” Tahiri twirled her saber, awaiting his answer.

“Why you little karking,” was the only thing he got out before rushing at her and bringing his electrobaton around, aiming for her head. The Togruta’s muscles twitched for just a moment before she dropped and slipped to his right, her saber blade twirling in the air twice. The last things he saw before her crimson saber came through his chest was the stump of his right elbow where his forearm used to be, and the electrobaton on the ground, his hand still tightly gripping the hilt.

"Hmm well that is that," Tahiri extinguished her saber and turned to head back into the dark jungle. A half muffled garbled scream from her right caught her attention, watching as the sleek black silhouette of Zuska crouched, his jaws clenched around the neck of the pirate his master had thrown to the side near his hiding place. Zuska’s ears perked as he heard the low whistle from his pack leader, with a huffed growl he ripped the throat out of the creature before him and then stalked over to her.

"Well Zuska, let's go find Hevan and get out of this dark place, hmm?" Zuska immediately understood and sniffed the air, licking it to get the familiar scent. He then stalked low as he pointed led the way.

Finding Hevan engaged with a couple of pirates, Tahiri watched as he expertly countered their attacks. While waiting till he had finished with them, she spotted one Umbaran sneaking up on him. Before Hevan even sensed the person behind, Tahiri threw two of her throwing knives, both easily finding their marks in the neck and temple of the pirate. Hevan turned just as he heard the wet thunk of the blades sinking through bone and flesh, looking with surprise as the body hit the ground and heard a chuckle from Tahiri.

“You may still be an apprentice, but one would be a fool not to see, you will go far. Stick to your training and studies, and you’ll be a Master yourself soon enough,” chuckling, Tahiri scratched Zuska’s head as she came forward. "Just make sure to watch your back."

"Thanks. I'll keep that all in mind," smiling as he wiped his blades off and resheathed them. "So I think the plan was a success."

"It was," Tahiri nodded and smiled. "Now, let’s get out of here, and take the product back to Plagueis and the Brotherhood."

"Yes, let's go. These pirates will have a lot of cleaning up to do, well the ones that survived that is."

Tahiri simply smiled, as they both headed back to the Zabrak spine where they had hidden the container, and then quickly making their way through the jungle to their transport. The hum of the engines was the only sound as they took their prize back to Plagueis, a mission successfully done. I'll have to talk with TuQ when we get back. Hevan did excellently well.

The pirates spread out, searching the nearby plants, as Hevan ducked under one of the bioluminescent tendrils, the razored edges of the plant swaying in the gentle wind. The pirates shot wildly into the plants, severing stalks and toppling the towering spines. Hevan burst out of the clumps of plants, igniting his blade and charging his assailants. The pirates turned, raising their blasters to fire, but stopped by Hevan's glowing blade swinging upwards into their flesh. The surviving pirate advanced, but only was able to take one step forward before falling to the ground in pain, grasping the now stump of his hand.

Hevan started to walk toward Tahiri, but as he did so, stumbled and fell onto the dirt covered stones that lay around the clearing, blood pouring from a unnoticed injury in his leg. He crawled toward the corpses of the pirates, leaving a smear of blood across the stones littered across the ground. Upon reaching the nearest, he desperately searched the body, but found nothing. Again, he ignited his lightsaber, and again, his blade felt flesh, cauterizing the flowing hole in his leg. As his blade burnt the wound shut, he screamed in agony, before collapsing to the ground, his blade cutting out upon falling to the ground.

Meanwhile, Wyss pulled himself up onto the rock, unholstering his blaster and steadying himself to fire. A cough from behind him caused him to fall once more, dropping his batons, as the red Togrute stepped out, blade bursting into life. He cursed, pulling his blaster up and firing aimlessly, as Tahiri effortlessly dodged his wild aim. She reached out in the force, pulling the Umbaran's weapons aside, and holding him in place against the boulder.

"You men are dead. Your cargo is ours. You have lost Wyss, surrender now or face the consequences."

"Surrender! Never! You insult my people with that request, I will die before I yield." With this, the pirate pulled out a vibrodagger, swinging the humming blade at the Togrute's legs, before she impaled him, crimson blade piercing the stone behind him, as his body crumpled onto the dark floor of Umbara's jungle.

Tahiri reached out in the force, attempting to contact her partner. Nothing responded. She pulled a comm from her pocket, picked up her Vornskr, running into the dark jungle where the light of flashlights could be seen.

"Shuttle, I need pickup, on oh nine seven four decimal seven three, bring a medic and repulsorsled."

"Confirmed, we are en route to your position now"

Tahiri cut through the plants, before stumbling into the small clearing. She laid down the Vornskr, before checking the pulse on Hevan's neck. She moved him onto a dirt covered slab, before ducking back into the foliage, leaving the human and vorskr in the clearing.

She ran back to the cargo, hoping as she ran that it would still be there. Upon rounding the spine, she spied it's durasteel handles poking out of the bush. Sweat dripped down her hand as she grasped the handle, tugging it back toward the extraction point, grunting in effort.

She saw the shuttle's sleek white hull streak overhead, as her comm buzzed to life:

"M'am, we are landing now, stand by for extraction"

In mere minuets, she was talking to a squad of Plagiuan soldiers, ordering them towards her unconscious allies, as two more lifted the cargo onto a hoversled. She climbed the metal floor of the shuttle, collapsing into one of the empty chairs within the floor.

She soon heard the shouts of soldiers, as the stretchers carrying Hevan and her vornskr were heaved on board, as the ramp lifted, her she caught a glimpse of the night planet, before the ramp slammed shut.