Archived Character Sheet for Jade Hext

Jade Hext

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Human, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist, Nightsister
Height: 1.91 m / 6'3" - Weight: 97.0 kg / 214 lbs
Age: 44 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Jade is a tall and ruggedly handsome man who is beginning to show the the first signs of aging and has the build of a seasoned soldier with lightly bronzed skin covered in a smattering of scars dotting sinewy muscles. His dark hair is short and well kept, and he wears a full beard of perpetually light stubble that thickens a bit across his jawline on both sides and down to his chin. His eyes are a bright green and help to distract from the couple of scars faded scars across his nose and left cheek.

I Have The Death Sentence In Twelve Systems (General Aspect)

Jade has been fighting against tyranny and oppression for nearly thirty years. In that time, many have labelled him and the cell of freedom fighters he founded, known as the Votaries, as terrorists and war criminals, placing large bounties on their heads. Using the alias of Jade Yden to mingle with polite society, he is always on high alert of his surroundings and potential threats, as well as checking escape routes anywhere he goes. This near paranoia has made him adept at being slippery and skilled in quickly disappearing, and while he always aims for discretion, to the trained eye, these compulsions can often invite suspicion.

O Captain! My Captain! (General Aspect)

Jade is a passionate and charismatic leader with decades of command experience under his belt. His dream of a brighter tomorrow can be contagious; and coupled with the genuine compassion and care he has for his people, as well as his heartfelt and inspiring rhetoric, he has instilled fervent loyalty in those under his banner. This is compounded by his role as a leader on the front lines with the soldiers. While this can be effective and possibly even inspiring, it does tend to put him directly in harm's way.

Wolf In Sheep's Clothing (Personality Aspect)

Jade is a charismatic and flamboyant man who often commands attention wherever he goes. He is affable, witty, and urbane; especially towards those he has formed a relationship with. While these characteristics are all natural, he is also sly, clever, and manipulative; willing to twist and bend the truth to suit his agenda without outright lying. He is always cautious and guarded, choosing his words carefully in an attempt to remain three steps ahead of everyone else. Once someone has crossed him however, he will hunt them to any hole they try to hide in.

The Road To Hell (Personality Aspect)

Though labeled by many as a radical extremist and distanced from more peaceful movements, Jade is yet possessed of a moral code he abides by. He has devoted his life to sabotaging and subverting dictators and tyrants, deposing them and freeing their people, but his methods are often messy. While never targeting civilians, he will not hesitate to strike a strategic target if it would result in an acceptable amount of collateral damage; something he considers heavily before ordering or performing a strike. An idealist at heart, he would heavily suffer the weight of these murders had he not learned over the years to close his heart to them rather than to let them weaken him. This trait allows him to make the hard decisions easier, but can alienate him with potential allies who can be repulsed by such methods.

Time For Plan Z (Combat Aspect)

Jade possesses a brilliant mind suited perfectly towards strategic thought, as well as decades of experience planning and commanding missions of sabotage and guerilla warfare. He is highly capable in both preparing backup plans for his backup plans, as well as adapting his tactics quickly as things change while in the field. These qualities make him a talented strategist and unit commander, but also mean that when caught by total surprise or alone, he is at a disadvantage, though he would never admit he wasn't in control of the situation.

Prejudice Set To Maximum (Combat Aspect)

Jade doesn't believe in half measures. Armed to the teeth with as much firepower and explosives as he can carry, his is an overwhelming style that attempts to annihilate his enemies or keep them pinned down under a barrage of fire. Even when more subtlety is required, his weapons of choice are always high powered and chosen for their highly lethal potential. These methods are often highly effective, but if the gap is closed and he is engaged in melee, he is significantly less effective.

Skill Feats
Ambidexterity I No Scope Demolitions Expert Constant Vigilance Fed Troops Happy Troops Second Skin I
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Mercenary Human: Eye Of The Tiger Human: Just Another Face Medley I Proficiency I
  • Basic
  • Black market supply lines
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Rebel cells of the galaxy
  • Small unit tactics and guerrilla warfare
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art Wrruushi
Primary Weapon Specialization Blasters
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None