Competition: Battle Focus Object

Battle Focus Object

As you work your way through the Wargames, possibly the vendettas prior, and the upcoming return to Orian, you undoubtedly have some sort of meditative focus object. This may be a piece of jewelry, an artifact, something you use in combat, a photograph, something more mundane - it will be different for all of us. Show us your focus item.

Create a picture digitally or with drawing tools of this meditative focus. This must be a pure creation of your own. Please also provide a brief description in the competition comments. The rubric will be based on the Graphics Rubric 2.0, with a higher focus on relatability to your character and his/her methods.

The top three entries win crescents, with the possibility of Clusters of Graphite according to Herald standards. Participation counts for the parent competition.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
CNS Orian Wargames
Organized by
Seer Xolarin, Hilgrif, Jashashi "Vesh" Zaes
Running time
2019-10-02 until 2019-10-16 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
Difficulty Class
Third Level Crescents and 2 Clusters of Graphite as per Herald guidelines
4 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Malisane Sadow
Malisane Sadow opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
Master Bentre Stahoes
File submission
Textual submission

for my entry I decided to do a quick drawing, though not too quick, of what I envision Stavel'adius (, the blade which serves as a symbol of Bentre's marriage, would appear like. The inscription "Born man but sworn Versea are etched into the blade as a reminder of his oath of loyalty. He carries the weapon with him as a constant reminder of the responsibility he owes to his family, his Clan, and the legacy of Sadow.

2nd place