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Symbols in the Clan
Attached is a photo of what and where they are.
Clan Naga Sadow, House Marka Ragnos, Sith Order, House Shar Dakhan
Clan Naga Sadow - Under the X-wing next to the Hoth scene.
Shar Dakhan - The Tydirium shuttle above Yoda.
Marka Ragnos - Just to the left of the Death Star
Sith Order - Mace Windu's neck like a ninja star.
Upper right on the Death Star and ISD - logo of House Marka Ragnos
Lower right under the lowest Xwing and to the left of the AT-ATs - logo of Clan Naga Sadow
Upper left on the Naboo cruiser - logo of House Shar Dakhan
Lower left between Yoda and Mace Windu - logo of