Formal Attire

Formal Attire
Type: Armor
Category: Attire

Formal Attire: Exquisite Tastes


Owned by: Proconsul Rayne Palpatine

Prototype: Formal Attire

Slotted in: definitely not Kam's Desk (Clothing)

The Formal Attire belongs to the upper echelons of society. Considered high class, it is often adorned with various fineries that come with the individual's station and prioritizes form over function.

Exquisite Tastes (Formal Attire)

For Rayne Palpatine, each event is the gala of the year and she needs to be the highlight. For this, she pulled out all the stops. Wearing a sleek, form fitting black dress with matching shoes, Rayne Palpatine looks like the best dressed person in the room at all times. The added flair of golden jewelry and adornments only enhances her status.