Grand Cross events for Tarax Eosphoros Taldrya Kor

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Non-site XP
1311 XP
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

As I write this recommendation Tarax has been Aedile of House Dinaari for the past 7 months and 25 days. This makes him the second longest serving Dinaari Aedile in Clan History and I have to say when I chose him as Aedile nearly eight months ago I'm glad I picked him. He has surpassed my expectations (and probably everyone else's as well) time and time again and I've been waiting for the day I can finally award him something larger than his customary Dark Cross. Without fail he has published a House report every fortnight that gets the job done which is more than most leaders of the Brotherhood can say for themselves. He helps me with almost every new transfer into the House by either greeting them personally himself when they join or he assists in their training whenever they have questions. While he's rough and harsh on the outside Tarax can be quite the soft and gentle giant when he needs to be (while still remaining sharp!).

He's always on Internet Relay Chat, establishing himself as one of the core members of Clan Taldryan's rich history. He has been a fantastic Aedile as he's always there to offer his (often insightful) opinions and ideas and he's not afraid to disagree with me on issues, making him a very valuable member of the Clan Taldryan leadership team. He finishes everything that is asked of him and most the time he does it in a timely manner. Without Tarax as my Aedile I'm quite sure I would have resigned as Quaestor ages ago - we get along great and his motivation to help the House and be a useful sounding board helps push me to do better, to enjoy myself more, and ultimately just make my entire stint as Quaestor far more enjoyable.

I will admit Tarax is the not the most active member of the Clan, even as a leader. This is fine because he makes up for it in the big (and important) events like Vendettas. I'm quite sure when the next one rolls along he'll be putting in everything he can into it. Dedication, loyalty, and consistency are the words that best describe Tarax and so far he has yet to disappoint me. I am glad that I can recommend his first ever Grand Cross of the Darkside and I look forward to serving alongside him for many more months to come. Thanks for all your help, pole! It's not a Dark Cross, I know, but hopefully it does the trick ...

For Taldryan,

Templar Vladet Xavier Quaestor, Dinaari of Taldryan Right Hand of Justice, CoJ Magistrate to the Grand Master

Tarax has been doing a great job as AED of Dinaari for the past eight months. He has been leading Dinaari and helping his members. He isn't afraid to give his opinion on anything no matter what it is. His presence of IRC his great, he is on almost all the time and always contributing to the clan while on. Sometimes his contributions involve helping a fellow clan member, other times it is helping the summit with decisions, or it could be finding material for everyone to enjoy. He does all the work we ask of him as a leader in Taldryan and he is always on time. He isn't the most active person most of the time, but when we need Tarax he always comes through for us (except that one time in the feud with Arcona, but we have recently forgiven him for that =P). Thanks for all of your great work Tarax, you truly deserve this Grand Cross!


It’s easy to forget that it’s already been a long stretch with Tarax as Aedile. The Aedile’s job is to be the Quaestor’s second set of hands. The best Aedile’s are ones that not only helps the House or Clan, but also acts in concert with their Quaestor. In this aspect, Tarax has performed admirably in. He has done all of the “little” things right, from keeping in touch to the newer members; ensuring there are House competitions; making regular reports; keeping his members up to date with the latest information; cleaning House when necessary; being active on IRC and available to those within the House. As said he isn’t the most active of members in terms of general month-to-month activities, but he is there when called upon and is always there for his job. Having grown into the role of a leader, and actively modifying his own behaviours so that he can function in that role, Tarax has grown and become someone who can effectively lead his own House if the situations calls for it. For all of his efforts since taking over the second-in-command of Dinari, I believe Tarax has earned this award.

For Taldryan, Dark Jedi Master Halcyon Rokir Consul of Taldryan

Lord Halcyon, 2008-05-31 11:18:09 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Non-site XP
1311 XP
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Tarax, you have been a real asset for Taldryan in the during the Events of the Dark Crusade, not only that you have participated in a total of 14 events you have freely helped out Sid and myself, keeping track of member activities as well as gathering/trans-scripting the official Crusade website into a plain text version and reminding the people in Taldryan to stay on the ball. For this kind of dedication to House Taldryan I am requesting that you should be rewarded with a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congratz Tarax.

Obelisk Prelate Rian Aslar

Quaestor of House Taldryan


When it comes to legendary figures in the Dark Brotherhood, Tarax is surely on the list of the most notable. His dedication to Taldryan has been unwavering, despite recently undergoing a move and getting a new job. Despite all that, he still puts forth ample effort in order to ensure that Taldryan competes in the Dark Crusades at the highest levels.

Acting as an advisor to the Taldryan Leadership, and taking an active role in ensuring that the members of Taldryan are constantly kept on their toes and challenged is just one part of Tarax’s character. He is also one of the first to encourage, and try to motivate members to participate in more events, while carrying a near perfect record of participation himself.

An active member on IRC, and on mailing lists, Tarax’s influence has been essential in the resurgence of Taldryan’s activity, and was crucial in it’s early round victory.

DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor,

Dossier #83

I’ve gotten rusty at this so I’m going to keep this short. Tarax's efforts for Taldryan have been crucial in the first parts of the Crusade. He has consistently given Taldryan his all by participating in as many of the Crusades as he could manage, giving near perfect participation levels. Not only has he been one of our most dedicated and prolific members, he has also been one of our most helpful. Tarax has encouraged many members to compete on Taldryan's behalf. He has also helped many members by acting as an editor for them. He was a crucial piece in the RO event. Not only did he help push our teammates to be their best, he was also an anchor on that team. He stepped up and got the ball rolling for our group and was always willing to step up and do the important things when it counted. Despite his usual demeanor, Tarax has been amazingly helpful to the House during this juncture. Despite the fact that this gives me an odd sense of déjà vu, I'm happy to recommend Tarax Eosphoros Kor for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

OE Chaosrain Taldrya

Original Bryar Pimp

Dossier #3931

Tarax is the worst. He is human tennis elbow, he is a pizza burn on the roof of the world’s mouth, and he is the the opposite of Batman. Yet for all his faults, he continues to churn out activity for House Taldryan. He has participated in damn near every event of the Dark Crusade, and was a driving force in our second round run on participation. Tarax has been vocal on IRC and has participated in many house level and Brotherhood-wide leadership discussions, and continues to serve on the Appeals Panel. Throughout all this - he always advocates for what is right - often in the face of others that would choose to do the easy or expedient thing. For his dedication to seeing Taldryan succeed - I strongly recommend Tarax “I’m seriously an asshole” Kor for the Grand Cross of the Dark Side.


Darth Aeternus, 2013-06-23 10:14:19 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Non-site XP
1311 XP
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

I was talking to Tarax the other night, and he pointed out something to me: The Dark Crusades have been the most active he's been since he was last Quaestor of House Dinaari. That's a long time ago, and while many of his colleagues in the Old Folks' Home tend to wander in and out of activity, there's almost always sustained bursts during a period of inactivity. Tarax is different, he was out. He had nothing left that he desired from Taldryan and the Dark Brotherhood, and only came around every so often to chat with his friends… until Taldryan needed him.

And Taldryan did need him in the Dark Crusades. Tarax is an engine, there's no way around it. For the unfamiliar, an engine is a sports term describing someone who simply puts his head down, and keeps running, no matter how tired he gets. Tarax is our engine. He would cry and moan like the world was ending, about how tired he was, and how he didn't want to do anything, but despite all his bitching, he still participated in four fifths of every competition in the Crusades, and managed to place in one fifth of the events that he entered, winning three of them.

Most recently, Tarax competed in every event in the last round, helping spur Taldryan to victory on Dromund Kaas, placing in two events in the final round, and being a constant driving force within Taldryan, by being an ever constant presence encouraging our members to go forth, and do more. Given his already extreme commitment to Taldryan during the Dark Crusades, one might have forgiven him for letting up when the race was done, but Tarax did no such thing. Instead, he proved to all and sundry his value and dedication to Taldryan. In recognition of Tarax's efforts in the name of Taldryan during the Dark Crusades are the reason I am proud to award him this Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Aedile of Taldryan,

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-02 15:07:42 UTC
Additional reasons

Tarax, for the last year, you have been the forefront of Taldryan during the Dark Crusade. No matter what happened you have been there, giving everything you can and for that I can't stop to thank you. You have done an amazing job, participating in over four fifth of the Crusade Events, taking home Novaes in at least a fifth of all events you entered. Taldryan owes you much and for this reason I am now requesting you to be rewarded with a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Quaestor of Taldryan

Rian Taldrya, 2013-12-01 01:03:19 UTC