Event Details

Event ID
Meleu Karthdo
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

The Dark Cross is bestowed upon those members who have demonstrated an exceptional level of activity within their House. To merely qualify Meleu Karthdo's activity as exceptional would be an understatement to be sure. Since his arrival in Plagueis four days ago, he has been an active participant in the House's IRC discussions, being present each day and not hesitating to contribute. In addition, in his short tenure in the Brotherhood he has already made a mark on the Shadow Academy by accumulating 27 Academic Credits, with an amazing average score of 97.5%. He has also made himself a name in TOR during his short time here, helping several members through a number of Flashpoints each day and making himself available to bring the battle to the Republic players on our server via PvP Warzones.

Meleu is the setting an extraordinary example for House Plagueis's Journeymen. Let this be but the first of many recognitions of your outstanding efforts!

Montresor, 2013-12-28 02:17:35 UTC