Event Details

Event ID
Dranik Tarentae
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

One year has passed since I took the title of Quaestor of House Gladius. During this time, I could not have had a successful tenure without the help of others.

I only wish that Dranik could be more active, but given his real life circumstances, I can understand why he can't. Nevertheless, when Dranik is able to be active, he is a dedicated member who does well. He founded Gladius first circle after the switch to multi-order, he served as an excellent Rollmaster for some time, and served as a constant advisor on House matters. I hope that in the future he will be able to return to active duty, but this Dark Cross is a reward and a thanks for all his service this past year.

, 2005-01-21 23:00:00 UTC