Event Details

Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Kat Pridemore
Primary reason

Jedi Hunter Eldrad Sin continues to be a worthwhile and active member of Clan Naga Sadow. He has a high prescence on IRC, he takes part in clan runons, he participates in competitions and also in his role as Assistant Envoy for House Ludo Kressh has been active both in sending letters to members encouraging activity, and answering inquiries they may have. This is something that was extremily valuable during a time where the myself and the House Envoy were experiencing technical difficulty getting online. For all of the above I believe Eldrad Sin deserves the Star of Antei ~~ DJK Malisane De Ath, Clan Envoy of Naga Sadow

JH Eldrad Sin has been very active in many competitions, and in the Envoy process. The Naga Sadow envoy's have been working together to motivate and promote our members. For his in-house, in-Clan, and envoy work, the Conclave of Naga Sadow hereby requests the Star of Antei to be rewarded. Congratulations on your medal. ~Kat Pridemore

Kat Pridemore, 2006-02-05 23:00:00 UTC