Event Details

Event ID
Archangel Palpatine
Steel Cross
Requested by
Shikyo Keibatsu
Primary reason

Since Archangel has joined my staff, he has completed 14 warbanners and 37 miscellaneous items, all of which were created for the warbanner emblem selector. This project was meant to be almost a two month project, which Arch completed and went above and beyond the call by creating 37 items, more than the 20 requested. Since his promotion, he completed 17 of the items and 12 warbanners. Arch has been a great asset to the Herald's Staff and he deserves to be acknowledged for it. For that, I would like to award his first Steel Cross. Thank you for your fine work and dedication!

-SBL Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Shikyo Keibatsu, 2008-04-27 21:04:35 UTC