Event Details

Event ID
Guardsman JKast
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
Requested by
Guardsman JKast
Primary reason

I have always preferred to select my leaders from within the clan first. I have seen leaders come from outside a clan before, but there always seems to be trouble. But, this is one case that is truly the exception. When Demos made Jkast his Aedile, Jkast stepped right into the clan with a smooth transition. You’d think he had been here the entire time. Since his appointment to Aedile, Jkast has been the true epitome of a leader in the Brotherhood. He has been very active, taking first place in the gaming portion of the recent clan competition. His reports are always on time and he is in constant communication with his house and clan through IRC and e-mail. Jkast is a fun loving guy who seems to get along with everyone. I very quickly learned to value Jkast’s comments and suggestions. His help in running Tridens has been excellent. He has shown skill and dedication in all that he does. ~Anshar

I suppose it's strange that a member so new to a Clan is recommended for a promotion into the ranks of the Equites however in the case of Jkast I am willing to break this precedent. One of the words I could use to describe Jkast's attitude to this Clan is dedicated. Throwing himself headfirst into a major Clan Competition within hours of joining he racked up an impressive number of games and proved himself to be one of Tarentum's most active members. I am also greatly impressed by the leadership qualities that JKast has demonstrated leading the house for the periods that Demos, the QUA, is on LOA. JKast's drive and dedication deserves the greatest possible reward and this is the more fitting reward Anshar and myself could think upon. Congrats JKast. ~Welsh

Guardsman JKast, 2006-03-05 23:00:00 UTC