Event Details

Event ID
Battlelord Strask Rurra'bek
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Primary reason

Elols has completed all the requirements for a promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. This includes all set requirements, as well as the following selected tasks:

  1. Elols' special project was his running of the house as aedile while his quaestor had real life issues. While not a typical project, Elols did well at this, and now serves as the quaestor.
  2. He has completed a quality wiki article.
  3. He has earned his Dark Maven- Leadership degree.
  4. He also wrote a lightsaber fiction for his master.

As Consul, I support this promotion. Elols has shown patience and dedication to the clan during his active time. He is ready for Dark Jedi Knight.

From his master, Kazarelth: Elols has been a hard worker since the time I took over his tutelage. Learning everything he could from me as I continued at a slow pace. However, I did not have to teach him much; I learnt more from him. As a Brotherhood member, Elols is friendly, supportive, jolly and generally good fun. What I've learnt of his RL behaviour supports his behaviour here. He continues to learn, and does not have any sort of ego-problems or such. He is a model for all of us, and as my first apprentice, I am immensely satisfied and proud of his elevation. Congratulations on your elevation, Knight!

Anshar Kahn Tarentae, 2009-03-23 19:50:11 UTC