Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr, Blade Master

Equite 4, Clan Vizsla, Sith, Criminal Syndicate
Displaying all 8 news items
Title Context Posted On
Aedile of Wren Report 3.0 Aedile (Wren ) 26 Mar, 2022
The Blue Horizon Approaches Daemunn Aedile (Wren ) 23 Dec, 2021
Wren Aedile Report 1.0 - The Blue Bayou Aedile (Wren ) 23 Oct, 2021
Want to be in Episode VII Battleteam Sergeant (Apostles of Syn) 21 May, 2014
May the Fourth Videos *updated* Battleteam Sergeant (Apostles of Syn) 4 May, 2014
Fiction deadline extended Battleteam Sergeant (Apostles of Syn) 30 Apr, 2014
Fiction Competition Battleteam Sergeant (Apostles of Syn) 2 Apr, 2014
7 years perspective Battleteam Sergeant (Apostles of Syn) 26 Mar, 2014