Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Greetings BoF

Well I haven't recived a single activity report . This is not looking good so I'm gonna talk with our Qua and ask him

to do a AWOL check . So please people send in your reports . So send them till Monday ! That was all about the activity now other things : The GJW (Great Jedi War) is comming up so please train in the ICTE . You can win CoFs in it so fill your medal boxes with 'em . The Tarentum Castle map is near complete however it is a big map and when I say big I mean big . It's current size is 50 megs but it might reach 70 when it will be complete .

Well this week's status on medals/promos

Medals / Promos

No promos this week .

Medals :

I got 1 Cof (that's what's on the DB news board) in the ICTE .

Dagger got 2 .

Now the roster :



Cain Mantha


Artex Onean


Ryo Akaine

Dark Jedi Knight

Talon Zetar

Dark Jedi Knight

Sithie v 2.0


Shadow Warrior


Shen Long

Dark Jedi Knight

That's all for this week . So please send me the Activity reports .

                                                                  Sincerly ,  

                                                                      Your sergeant ,  

                                                                           2265 DJK X-Pilot out .  

DJK X-Pilot (Obelisk)/SGT/Cestus of Tarentum [ACC: INI]



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