Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House News

Well this will be my first official QUA report since I've been reinstated but it's not going to be all fancy due to my lack of properly working computer... grumbles Anyways, first and foremost congrats to everyone who participated in Continued Dominance - the amount of medals I have in my inbox is sick, and I'm well pleased. To see the rest of Coninued Dominance stuff see Kir's buttload of emails or MB posts. Things are now starting to pick up again after a short downtime... I guess people are just getting back into the swing of things after the holidays and all so it's to be expected.

The Dark Jedi Trials, a House Dinaari Promotion Guideline, is up on the Dinaari site. If you're struggling to gain ranks from Apprentice through Guardian now you'll have it all outlined for you! Just check out the site, grab the info and get busy. All the information you need is at - http://www.taldryan.org/dinaari/promo.php - For those of you above the rank of Guardian you will have to maintain your activity and go above and beyond. Crix and I will be working on a rough guideline to give us some precedence in awarding higher ranks, but we will always go on a case-by-case system. Everyone is different and if you can't be as outrageously active and the next person then why should you be punished, right?

Final little tidbit of House News, Proconsul Sharad Hett as revised The Tallys, a kind of award ceremony where people are nominated and voted on to earn special titles within the Clan. You can all read Sharad's email about it, or check out Dinaari's news page where I've re-outlined it all. - http://www.taldryan.org/dinaari/news.php - Basically, there are 11 titles and you the people nominate your favorites. Shar and Kir will sort out those who have been seconded, thirded, etc and will let us vote the winners. While not really a competition it's still a fun activity and I urge you all to submit nominations and vote!! Remember your QUA when it comes to People's Choice (I won last time with SwipeR :P

Competition Updates

The Third War of the Sith is still raging on and we've gotten some point updates from the SHW. Taldryan is currently in fourth place with 67 points =( I know we have very few Sith members in the House, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't all participate! Most of our points have come from Allegiance games which get us 4 points/win... Those points add up!! I've already sent in my XWA pilot file for points and will start working on the XvT mission soon. Anyone else who owns TIE, XvT, or XWA start flying those missions - if I can beat it so can you.

Clan Tarentum: 136

Clan Arcona: 134

Clan Naga Sadow: 81

Clan Taldryan: 67

Clan Scholae Palatinae: 39

Clan Satal Keto: 19

Clan Exar Kun: 15

Those are the current point standings... We NEED to do better! Taldryan's reputation is at stake here so get out there and participate Obby and Sith alike! To get all teh info you need, including those SP missions check out the Sith War site at - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/lch/sith/sithwar/updates.htm -

Operation: Continued Dominance, brough to you by Sharad and Kir is now over. Participation was pretty good from Dinaari and we just barely beat Ektrosis. Yours truly tied for first (don't ask me how :P) and Benevolent scored 3rd overall. So good work guys and gals! To see details of the scores and placings check out Kir's MB topic at - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/message_board/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1685 -

News from Abroad

Let's see what's happening with the rest of the DB this week... hmm... Well from what I read on the news site not a whole lot. The Dark Council is Dark Counciling and working towards releasing the next Great Jedi War so hopefully we'll have more news on that in the future. Allegiance is getting really popular among the clans and it's a good way to earn Sith War points so you guys should check it out. If you have any questions try asking Mavvles on IRC - he's an Allegiance junkey.

House Ektrosis is getting an overhaul from the Clan Summit. I don't have the whole list of reasons but I'm sure this will be a good step to rebuilding the house's stability and will make Tal stronger for the Great Jed War.


A couple of promotions to announce since I got Quaestor so here they are:

Acoltye Wolf was promoted to the rank of Protector for his activity in the weekly multiplayer nights as well as getting himself on IRC and pwning other people at JA.

Apprentice Bio Madine was promoted to the rank of Novice for completing her Character History as stated in the Dark Jedi Trials.

Protector Dask_k was promoted to the rank of Guardian for completing the set requirements in the Dark Jedi Trials. He has also been highly active in the GMRG and on IRC, as well as competing in most of the MP nights.

Congrats to you all and keep up the good work. For the rest of you, see how easy it is to get ahead? Get out there and be active and next week it could be your name on the list ;P


Oh..My...God... I have like a buzillion medals in my inbox. It's very, very sexy so good work everyone you've made me wet myself! Alright, here's the list of medals:

Pimp Benevolent Whiner - 12 CFs, Crescent w/Ruby Star, Crescent w/Amethyst Star x2, Crescent w/Sapphire Star x3, Crescent w/Emerald Star

Dask_k - 11 CFs, Dark Cross, Crescent w/Emerald Star

Wolf - 3 CFs, Crescent w/Amethyst Star

Vicar - 2 CFs

Shadow Warrior - 1 CFs

Kaetaal - Crescent w/Emerald Star, Crescent w/Amethyst Star x2

Shadowhawk - Crescent w/Amethyst Star

Parts and Joins

Well, he didn't really join so much as bitch at CoFo for removing him from Taldryan after resigning from PCON... but welcome back Freshjive!!

Apprentice Thor, having completed his training at the Shadow Academy as joined the powerhouse of Dinaari! Welcome Thor!!

Apprentice Godo Nurok, also having completed the Shadow Academy training as enlisted with House Dinaari! Welcome aboard, Godo!!

QUA’s Corner

Now I know what most of you are thinking. The QUA's corner is Shadow's icky little corner where he does his bad stuff, but that's only part of what I do here! The other part is where I ramble on about meaningless stuff that no one care's about but makes me feel special. So.... here it goes. Ok. Work sucks. Uberly, majorly, superly sucks - I had to work this whole weekend which left me with no IRC time which really pissed me off but at least the money is good. Oh, and music is amazingly good. Most of you probably don't know this but I'm going to be a famous rockstar with my band so everyone cross their fingers for me cuz I doubt I can do a real job for more then a year or two :P Well thats all I have to ramble about this week, maybe next week I'll have some juicy gossip about Mav and SwipeR's nightly forays... stay tuned. AND VISIT THE DINAARI SITE REGULARLY!! I post useful info there and don't always email it out. I </3 email aka hate. hehe.

_OE Pimp Shadow (Obelisk)/M:OHC-QUA/Dinaari of Taldryan [ACC: PF]


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