Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Nightmare Squadron Report

May 2006

BY: DJK Kaylesha Blackheart


1 Cluster of Fire awarded to DJK Hideki Tamalar Tetsuya

2 Cluster of Fire awarded to OT Phantom Mandalore

1 Cluster of Fire awarded to DJK Kaylesha Blackheart

1 Cluster of Fire awarded to OT Voldemort


Thran lost in an ACC battle this month. Tsk tsk for not posting in time! :P


SBL Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine passed the Training Saber Course. Congrats!

Nothing else happened this month pertaining directly to the Squadron.

The Feud is about over, if not already as of this report.

The Great Jedi War (#7 I think) is coming very soon. Get your asses ACTIVE!!

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