Aedile Report


Aedile Report

<head><title>HDS Aedile - Report - May 28, 2009</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /></head><table width="88%" border="2" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#0099CC"><tr><td width="" height="" align="center" valign="top"><table width="47%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="" colspan="6" scope="col"> </td></tr><tr><td width="9" height="" bgcolor="#00CCFF" scope="col">spacer</td><td height="" colspan="4" bgcolor="#00CCFF" scope="col"> spacer </td><td width="2" height="" bgcolor="#00CCFF" scope="col">spacer</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="16" bgcolor="#00CCFF"></td><td width="685" height="" valign="top"><font face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", color="#0099CC">Report 10.6<font face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", color="#0099CC">
"Warning to the weak, this report is full of Negativity. Deal!" </td><td colspan="3" valign="top"> <font face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", color="#0099CC">31 ABY (May 28, 2009) </td><td height="" colspan="2" rowspan="16" bgcolor="#00CCFF"></td></tr><tr><td height="" colspan="4" valign="top"> _Hawk slammed the data pad on the desk, shattering it into a thousand or more pieces. "Damn him to the coldest, deepest hole on the plains of Caina." The Aedile turned sharply, crossing her arms, frustrated. "He so easily tells lies to his House. Sure, it may be for the members, to better them and give them some encouragement but"... Robin called out sharply in rage, swinging her arms across the desk. "I will not lie to my House. They must be told the truth, now!!" _ </td></tr><tr><td width="685" height="" valign="top"> News </td><td height="" colspan="3" valign="top"></td></tr><tr><td height="" colspan="4" valign="top"> <div align="justify">Let's get down to business folks. The House is in trouble. We are on the brink of extermination. If you have read the Quaester of HAD's report they are in as much fear of elimination as we should be. But, I hate to break it to you all, they have nothing to fear. I have seen the proof and the evidence doesn't lie. We have to save the House from being wiped from the Clan, again. You all must do your part to fight The Cause with every bit of strength you can muster.

I am tired of pussy footing around those who do nothing to help. "The line must be drawn here!"

If you are a part of this House, I expect if anything, minimal participation. I am tired of reports being light and fluffy with congratulations to those that are trying to show they give a damn. Ric and I have done enough encouraging reports, which do not seem to be working, that it is time for something a little different. He told you I would be the one cracking the whip and now I use it. Do something or get out. You are part of this House, so act like you are.

Be scared, be afraid or be prepared to fight. Fight for the house, to save it from extinction or be yourself nullified.

I will not be listing any awards this report. But I suggest you take a look at the Competitions. </div> </td></tr><tr></tr><tr><td height="" valign="top"> Competitions </td><td colspan="3" valign="top"></td></tr><tr><td height="" colspan="4" valign="top">> <font color="#00CCFF" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">House Base</font></td></tr><tr><td height="" colspan="4" valign="top">

<li>Weekly Universe News - Tollo - End date June 2nd, 2009
This competition looks like a lot of fun. I think that is the point. Its not every day in this club, the Clan or House to write for such a great comp. My entry will be in the mail.</li> </td></tr><tr><td height="" colspan="4" valign="top">> <font color="#00CCFF" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Clan Base</font></td></tr><tr><td height="" colspan="4" valign="top">

<li>Be prepared for RoaR! - Dante and Thran - Start Date June 1st, 2009</li> </td></tr><tr><td height="" colspan="4" valign="top"> ~Sith Warrior, Robin Hawk
<font color="#999999" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking
that world, because they'd never expect it.</font>
<font face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> ~ Jack Handey, "Deep Thoughts"</font> </td></tr><tr><td height="" colspan="4" bgcolor="#00CCFF"> spacer </td></tr></table></td></tr></table>

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