Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Fang Ao Tian sat at a round table, select members of his battle team around him. On his left sat the tiny purple Twi'lek named Onteron. Next to her sat Artemis Alustriel. Mograine was next, and Aeshi completed the circle. Each member of the team held a few Sabacc cards.<p>The game had started off slowly, each member keeping quiet and casting suspicious looks around the table. However, as a few complementary drinks had been brought in and several hands had been played, things had started to loosen up. The beings were making jokes, laughing, and exchanging a few good-natured and harmless insults.<p>"This is what we needed," Fang thought as he watched Aeshi fold, "After the whole insurrection and leadership change, the team has lost members and been stagnant. We needed something like this to bring us together."<p></p></p></p>

<p>Greetings! We're nearing the end of week two of Insurrection, and things are getting more interesting by the hour. There are still just as many ways to make in impact now as there were on the feud's first day.
One of those ways is the Run On. If you're going to post something there, read the previous posts and make sure you're not contradicting what someone else has already said! Act with common sense, too, and run your writing through a spell check. Microsoft Word and Mozilla Firefox both have spell checking. Alright, let's get down to it!<p>Vital Information<p>Medals & Shadow Academy
Nothing happening in these two departments this week. I've been given the impression that the medals earned in the feud will be awarded once it's over, so I look forward to a long list in the next few weeks.<p>ACC
Onteron's character sheet has been approved. It's an interesting read.
GRD Fang Ao Tian vs. KP Kaira Rohana
Winner: GRD Fang Ao Tian (yay!)
GRD Fang Ao Tian vs. SWL Quejo Drakai
Winner: SWL Quejo Drakai (boo!)
Again, if you're looking to get qualified in the ACC, Impetus M'Nar is the trainer for the entire clan.<p>Active Competitions
Right now, there are a lot of competitions running for the feud. Whether it's the Week 2 Fiction and Poetry contests, the ACC, gaming, or flash gaming, there are many points to be won and medals to be earned. Go forth and destroy!<p>In addition, the Brotherhood's current Fiction Tribune, Eludajae M'Nar, is still running a fiction contest open to the entire DB. It's listed twice on the competition page, so I'm not sure what the story is there, but it sounds like a great chance to shine the spotlight on yourself and, by extension, Keto's Vengeance.
Dirty Little Secret(s)<p>Conclusion
There are still a lot of places for hungry and ambitious Dark Jedi to make an impact. I would love to see the battle team be what wins this feud for House Satal Keto, so get out there! Have fun and have a good week!<p> -> **GRD Fang Ao Tian (Obelisk)/SGT/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC: CL:1]
DC / Cr-1S-2T / LS-BL

{SA: DMGH}** <- </p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>

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