Hey all,
There are some of us that are going to be playing Diablo III. Since you can have open public games, it would be good to have a list of DB members' Battletags so we can connect.
My battletag is JacCotelin#1780. I am going to be playing a Barbarian at first.
Post yours on the comments if you are going to be playing, along with your expected class.
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w4lly #1715 Will be playing a Monk first, because 5-point-palm-heart-exploding technique is an actual power for the class.
Also, this is my official goodbye to TOR :P
Was thinking to start with a Barbarian as well ;)
Witch Doctor
PLaying a Monk.....twas so friggin epic when I hit a zombie and his skeleton went flying across a chasm.
Playing a Sorcerer. [Insert weird smiley that broke the site here. Again. -Jam3z]
Ganner#2590 Playing as a Witch Doctor.
Esmale#1768 Probably going to play a Wizard first
And since no one has picked it yet, I'll probably try the demon hunter
I'm ModdHobbs#1245. I'm playing a Wizard first, though I feel like Demon Hunter will be #2
Krandon#1178 - Rolling a Barbarian cause of the epic ground strikes
penguin#1101 got my barbarian up to about 32 right now
Invictus#1616 Going to start out with a Monk.
I have a level 40 Demon Hunter
Lvl 24 Monk
Kairus#1293 Wizard