Diablo III Battletags


Diablo III Battletags

Hey all,

There are some of us that are going to be playing Diablo III. Since you can have open public games, it would be good to have a list of DB members' Battletags so we can connect.

My battletag is JacCotelin#1780. I am going to be playing a Barbarian at first.

Post yours on the comments if you are going to be playing, along with your expected class.


w4lly #1715 Will be playing a Monk first, because 5-point-palm-heart-exploding technique is an actual power for the class.

Also, this is my official goodbye to TOR :P


Was thinking to start with a Barbarian as well ;)



Witch Doctor


PLaying a Monk.....twas so friggin epic when I hit a zombie and his skeleton went flying across a chasm.


Playing a Sorcerer. [Insert weird smiley that broke the site here. Again. -Jam3z]

Ganner#2590 Playing as a Witch Doctor.

Esmale#1768 Probably going to play a Wizard first


And since no one has picked it yet, I'll probably try the demon hunter

I'm ModdHobbs#1245. I'm playing a Wizard first, though I feel like Demon Hunter will be #2

Krandon#1178 - Rolling a Barbarian cause of the epic ground strikes

penguin#1101 got my barbarian up to about 32 right now

Invictus#1616 Going to start out with a Monk.


I have a level 40 Demon Hunter


Lvl 24 Monk

Kairus#1293 Wizard

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