Run On Phase II Prompt


Run On Phase II Prompt


Great work on the run-ons so far. I'm stoked by the direction that several threads have gone. Keep it up.

I will lock all run-on threads at 11:59 PM Eastern on 8 March 2013. The threads will remain locked until I post updates for every team.

Just a reminder, each member of your team must have at least two posts completed by the 08 11:59 March 2013 deadline. Each member will then be required to post two more additional times prior to the event's completion on 15 1159 PM EST March 2013.

  • If you are making any changes to your posts that border the grey line concerning the rules, email me first. If you have any questions, email me or ask on this thread. This event is for fun and I'm not going to crush your soul because you quadruple posted and want to remove three of them.

Good luck!

How many posts must we have in phase 2????????

shut up

I wub you. Thanks for the info!


Pew Pew

Pew Pew

Pew Pew

Pew Pew

(Am I doing this right, Sarin?)

:runs to her team to get them to post there 2nd posts Quickly!:

Marick Less Pew Pew and more QQ

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