Crucesignatis Imperialis: Evolved


Crucesignatis Imperialis: Evolved



Sorry for the long wait. Been a busy week for me. Moving apartments and gonna be "homeless" for a month before I move back to the US, so this week was filled with paperwork, occasional TG chatting, and of course, this report.

Before I get into the meat of the report, I wanted to talk about burnout. It's been mentioned more so recently because many members have changing aspects of their lives, or feel that they cannot participate in all the competitions that they desire to. This is fine. Burnout happens. We can't do all the things, but also why would we? We want to get that next medal or promotion (because, you know, more credits, skills, force powers, possessions, gfx on our dossier, etc).

But ultimately, we're here to have fun. Participate in what you want to participate in. Furthermore, manage what you want to participate in. You don't have to subscribe to something. It's there for you if you want it.

On a similar note, a members sometimes say that soon they won't have as much time for activities for a few months, and they wonder if they should go rogue or not. Let's get one thing straight: none of you are wasted space. We value every single one of you. We want you to succeed, and that success is defined by you and your activity. Activity doesn't mean "do everything". Activity means "do something", as in whatever you define your activity to be. If that means one competition a month, do one competition a month. If that means every competition or project you can get your hands on, do that. Your activity is subjective (for the most part). Don't feel that you need to leave to make space for someone else. You are that someone else! We want you!

We love you, baby, and if it's quite alright, we need you, baby, to warm a get the picture....

On a different note, welcome back to Jacob/Potus, and a warm welcome to the newest member of the House, James Malum! Onwards!

Wildfire Revolution Results!

  • Represent!: 1st Place - Kor Vaal
  • Burning Brighter than Our System: 1st Place - Kor Vaal, 2nd Place - Kyo Akumu
  • Stereotypical Crucesignatis: 1st Place - Kor Vaal
  • Our Testament: 1st Place - Kor Vaal, 2nd Place - Kyo Akumu

While I wish we had more participants, I'm glad I was able to award two valiant members for their efforts through this competition. Kor Vaal won the competition, with Kyo Akumu coming in second! Kor has made the official logo for our group, and both have dedicated some time to helping form the wiki article.

For this, Kor Vaal will be my second in command. We're still deciding the titles and such, but I think from Kor's and Kyo's descriptions of what they want, we'll make improvements out of it.



  • Promotion to EQ3!

Reiden Karr:

  • Promotion to EQ2!

  • Crescent of Sapphire, Ruby, Amethyst, Emerald x2

  • 16 Clusters of Ice

  • 5 Clusters of Graphite


  • 15 Clusters of Earth

Kyo Akumu:

  • Crescent of Topaz x2, Sapphire, Emerald

  • 1 Cluster of Ice

  • 2nd Place in Wildfire Revolution

Kor Vaal:

  • Promotion to EQ1!

  • Crescent of Emerald x4, Sapphire

  • 1 Cluster of Graphite

  • 4 Clusters of Ice

  • 1st Place in Wildfire Revolution


  • 9 Clusters of Fire

James Malum:

  • Promoted from Initiate through to Journeyman 2!

  • Crescent of Sapphire x2

  • 28 Clusters of Fire


Trench Run - Run the Death Star trench in this flash game

Ask a Member

So I wanted to get to know my members better, but why not extend that to everyone getting to know them better. So here is the first of my official "Ask a Member". Kor Vaal has become my first test subject:

1) DJB a/s/l

Don't understand the question.

(After describing my outdated slang): 35, male, on his own ship in the hanger of a ship in the CSP fleet, cos he ain't mixing with the rabble

2) Favo(u)rite colo(u)r


3) First experience with a poncho or bagel IRL

I wore a poncho at a party once. Yes, I wish the answer was more interesting too.

4) What competition is most memorable to you in the DJB?

One run by the HM, a fiction competition where you were told the story of what your character was doing during the Paladin Massacre. I got first place, but the real reason it sticks in my mind is that I think it's the best fiction I've written (yet).

5) What would you rather fight: One Xen sized mouse or four mouse sized Xens?

Four mouse sized Xens. Just to hear them squeak, "I am the Emperor, obey me!". I mean, imagine their tiny little lightsabers and cute purple outfits!

6) What is your favorite planet from our new system?

Nope, not picking. I think the whole system is awesome. The summit have done an awesome job fleshing it out, and I can't wait to start fictionally travelling about the place.

7) If you could buy one item from possessions for every member of the BT, no matter the price, what would it be and why?

Upsilon Command Shuttle. Cos we'd all look pimp as fwek turning up to a joint mission in our own individual shuttles.

8) If you could force a 46 set sponge collection on anyone in the Clan, who would it be?

What type of sponges? What is the value of this collection? Maybe I'd want it for myself, is there a cash alternative?

9) What is your purpose in the Brotherhood currently? Where do you see yourself achieving in the long run here?

In character: Kor believes he's walking on the path the Force has set for him. He pays a lot of attention to his Foresight visions and divinations, and that CSP is where he's meant to be. He can't quite see what his ultimate destiny is yet, but he reckons he's definitely on the right lines.

Out of character: I'm just here to have fun. I enjoy writing but getting prompts from the club gives me something to work towards and makes it much more enjoyable. Love the ACC and run-ons, and anything else where I can write with other people. Other than that I've been around for a few years now on and off, and I'd like to start pitching in a bit more behind the scenes, helping people get the same (if not more) fun out of the DB that I've had over the years. In the long run? Who knows. (#korforconsul2020)

10) If you could give any piece of advice to a new member here, what would it be?

You're here to have fun. That's the long and short of it. If you feel like you're burning out, or that your drive has gone, just take a break for a bit. We all have lives and sometimes the DB has got to give for a bit, but you'll always be welcomed back with open arms.

As you will notice, Existential Crisis Simulator is not in this report. I've decided to put it out between reports to give members something to read in between reports and to be able to detail it a bit more in terms of using skills and feats and such alongside the recommendations. So there will be an ECS next week sometime.

Also, work has started on our wiki. If you are interested in joining the development, let me know. We already have a small team going of Kor, Kyo, and James Malum on TG. It's a slow process, but I'm hoping others can learn how to develop Clan/House/BT articles from this (or at least my strategy of doing so). So slow is good.

I'm laying off any major competitions anytime soon only because of the upcoming Great Jedi War. If you don't know what a GJW is, it's when the Clans battle against each other (or in teams of Clans against each other). I'll keep some low level comps going, but otherwise, prepare yourselves for the upcoming battle. If you feel like you will be burnt out at that time, take a week or two off beforehand.

Glory to the Empire!

Dek Ironius II

#korforconsul2020? Who put that there? I definitely didn't say that...

Great Report Dek,

congrats on the promotions and clusters guys


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