Voice of the Brotherhood: Report 7


Voice of the Brotherhood: Report 7


The past month has seen a lot of changes, and a lot of great discussions. This has somewhat reprioritized my communications but as I owe the membership information on what’s going on I hope that this report will catch you up.


Fiction Society

The rounds of feedback are complete with two major considerations I am working to implement. Make it simpler, and make it reward more than just writing words. It’s a bit of a shift in mentality, where I tried to take inspiration from the SAS and GMRG, but overall I feel it will better align with the ways different members contribute fictionally. I don’t know if this will go through additional rounds of feedback at a wider scope, or just my staff, but I hope to have this done so this can finally get launched.

It’s already so close to a point that at least I’m very happy with it, for what that’s worth. As a reminder as I’ve been asked by a few people, it is a secret society in service of the Grand Master fictionally, that is very special operative style in theme. To give you an idea of the type of influence you’ll see the society having on the Brotherhood at large down the road.

Path and Order Changes

I had the opportunity to read proposals from every Clan regarding their fictional status, which was a great opportunity to see what everyone is up to. I am sure you’ve read about it in Mav’s DGM Report but to reiterate here, it was good to level what everyone’s plans were going into the next Vendetta.

In addition to this feature for Clans, it also extends to the members as well. Allowing easy change in Path depending on your Clan’s alignment, and even in some carefully evaluated and approved exceptions, to violate that.

It’s been great to see this change come, to give members a chance to better reflect their characters. I hope that going forward through a series of planned changes and beyond, more chances come for members to properly reflect the unique characters they envision, and then some.

CS 2.0

As you likely read in the Combat Master Report by Wally, an exapansion and refresh of the Character Sheet system is now complete, and undergoing a process of Q&A. This came with a refresh of Species, Disciplines, Aspects, Feats, Skills, Powers and even ACC Venues. Looking over the pending rewards for this work I hope you all take a time to read them to appreciate the great work the team did.

If you want to ask questions, or review questions others have asked and associated answers there is a Character Sheet FAQ form that was setup.

If you spot any issues or errors on anything at all while creating a character somewhere, you can use this bug tracking form to submit it for review.

Plot Updates

I have had some great discussions with the GM and DGM so far about where we want to go with the DJB. I’ve gotten the first fictional scene setter written, just waiting on some reviews and I’ll get that released so you can all get a sense of what things are like in the Brotherhood with the recent changes.

There are several additional fictional updates that follow that will get us closer to the next Vendetta and set some things up. So while there won’t be anything really going down until the Great Jedi War introduction. I hope to have a lot of great fiction out in the meantime that looks at different aspects.


Active Competitions

  • A Tourist’s Guide To The Galaxy: Atra Ventus, from Clan Naga Sadow, is still running this competition that lasts until the end of August. It is a pamphlet, in story format, covering a member’s own system. As the Dark Council, and Atra, look at creating the DJB System as it exists following the destruction on Antei, members can reflect on their own systems and talk about why they are so awesome.

  • Road to Damascus: Myself (giving a shot at 1st level Crescents), along with Xen’Mordin Vismorsus, from Clan Scholae Palatinae are running a fiction competition until the end of August that looks into the life of Rhiaen Ust’essi. Giving members a chance to interact with her once more and make some decisions about what life has been like for her.

  • A PUN Little Fiction Competitoin: Kz’set di Plagia, from Clan Plagueis, has started a pun based competition for fun, where you get a chance to create puns. This will run until Sept. 12th.

  • Antei Contract Bureau: LIVE!: Celevon Edraven, from Clan Arcona, is running a fiction ladder based on contracts, where participants request contracts via the form on the competition, then complete and post their completed contracts for judgement and feedback. Completed contracts earn points throughout the running period with the winners receiving crescents. This first period will run until the end of September.


Cluster of Ice Requests

Organizers must send their pins and word counts to [Log in to view e-mail addresses], for Clusters of Ice to be awarded. Format: Pin#wordcount


There wasn’t a lot to report, with a lot of review of things over the past few weeks resulting in many decisions but most of those were reported out elsewhere. I did want to get reminders out on competitions that are running and give what feedback I have. Looking forward to getting out some plot updates, and getting a society running as quickly as possible.

If you ever have any questions, ideas, feel free to let me know. I do my best to reply quickly.

In darkness,

Evant Taelyan
Voice of the Brotherhood

First! And great report. Hire me. :P

It's the little things that matter most... Like souls... Good stuff here.

Exciting times all around..! Looking forward to it all, and putting some of my time trying out the 2.0 stuff. ^.^

love it, Evant :D

Hey every little bit if info and every little taste and hint of what is to come is welcome. Every little tidbit acts to further whet my appetite.

Quick note from the Magistrate's corner. While I'm told the SCL staff is making changes to make this less of an issue, I would like to remind folks that until those changes are rolled out, please double check your Lore and Languages when submitting a CS. Please do this, I hate remanding sheets for this reason. Thanks, and be sure to write some punny fiction and submit to my regular comPUNtition.

Obligatory report comment goes here

Dru, since when was anything obligatory for you? :p

There are exciting things going on in all the Clans as well - to fill appetites.

<3 Mirus

Evant can you fictionally include a cookie factory on a starship plz

An evil cookie factory?

Sure, but I just want cookies delivered

One more Magistrate note guys. In all sections where you're listing multiple items, commas/semicolons are your friends. Please use them or the bug and the Wally get grumpy.

Glad to see more non-combat stuff being done fiction comp wise because not everyone is good at the combat stuff. I know I'm trying to get better and hope these competitions provide incentive for people to run more of a diversity of competitions. Also I'm making sure to not anger the bug.

Also a reminder. Species related lorr or language is not posted on cs. Use to be, but not anymore

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