Competition: Skills of a Warrior

Skills of a Warrior


I was standing in the middle of the deactivated battle hall, my Royal Guard trainer in front of me, scowling at me. N'Shadd, a Twi-Lek halfcast, always had this air about him, seemingly full of disapproval no matter what you did to try to please him - or yourself. I had no idea where my usual trainer was today, but I sure hoped the training session would be over already. Little did I know that this would be the day my training in the GMRG would change completely.

"So you think you got better?" he finally addressed me. "You think you are finally worth to be in the Guard?"

I didn't reply, knowing full well he was mainly talking to hear himself talk.

"Well, we'll see about that," he continued. "But I have no doubts that you will fail. We'll first check what you have learned until now." He must have given a mental command, for the hall flickered to life with the familiar holographic images of Bespin Streets, which had been one of our main training areas. As usual, N'Shadd was out of my sight, as the hall positioned us in different places. My saber came to life immediately, knowing very well that the man would not spare me a bit of trouble and would enjoy destroying me totally. I had heard the stories of him killing people 20 times over before he allowed them out of the halls.

Today, I had more luck. I even managed to kill him a few times, and in the end he won only by one kill. But instead of leaving it at that, another familiar scenario flickered into existence. The arena we'd dubbed Battleground Jedi. I was actually much more familiar with this one, although I had not fought much here lately. This was probably the reason why he did not finish me off completely in this place, either. But he did not give up. Intent on proving my inadequacy, he called up a scenario known as Tower of the Jedi, then another one set inside the destroyed Death Star and yet another one on board of a Star Destroyer. The latter two I had been to before, but I was not so used to them, so he won by a bigger score.

I was completely drained when we were finally done. I had fought multiple sessions before, but I had never had to change scenarios so quickly. I noticed N'Shadd staring at me thoughtfully. "Just what I feared," he said, deep in thoughts. "Much promise, but it has been allowed to stay dormant too long. Your skill is limited to a few scenarios, and the less you know them, the worse your battle. But be aware that, in the real life out there, when you fight for us, for yourself, the scenario will be new in the majorities of cases. Due to this, from now on, you will fight several different scenarios a week. From duel to team fights - everything will be new to you. This way you will learn a lot faster and your skill will bring more honor to the Brotherhood."

Objective - The Brotherhood and the GMRG specifically need to be skilled in all styles of saber fight and ready and able to battle in all possible scenarios. Until now, the variation in training has been lacking, but this will now change.

Each week, there will be 3 or 4 featured custom maps in JK, JO and JA, at least one duel and one FFA map among those. CTF and Team FFA will be encouraged as well.

For each win, you will get a CF as in all approved competitions. You will need to send a screenshot of the game though so you can prove that you have played on one of the required maps. This does not need to be a shot of the results, but both players will have to send one.

For each game, winning or losing, you will get points awarded. A game is 10,6,4,3,2,1 points for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc game on a map. A new set of maps is uploaded every week, but you can still play the same set of maps for two weeks. This is to acocunt for download difficulties and other issues. Also, those with slow connections may get a cd of all the maps if they are willing to play for shipping and handling, from Arania

Points will not be kept seperate for the different platforms, even if this might give a slight advantage to those having more than one of

Competition Information
Organized by
Lord Halcyon
Running time
2003-11-29 until 2004-11-29 (about 1 year)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.