Competition: COU Visions

Being Judged
COU Visions

In preparation for the new Clan story arc season resuming, I present for your pleasure: COU Visions

Compose a story involving your main or alternate character related to the integration of the Undlem to the Vatali Empire. However the twist is the story you tell must be set in different genre (i.e. sword and sorcery, middle ages, shogun and samurai, cold war espionage) rather than space opera/science fantasy.

Please provide submissions either as a PDF or through the submission box. The title and by line should indicate the setting.

There is a 500 word minimum for entries and the Fiction Rubric 3.0 will be used, waving the canon requirement. Realism will be graded on how well it adheres to the rules of the source material.

Competition Information
Organized by
Colonel Len Iode
Running time
2025-01-05 until 2025-02-08 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Clan Odan-Urr
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
7 subscribers, of which 3 have already participated.