Competition: Dajorran Consortium Logo

Dajorran Consortium Logo


In order to better develop Clan fiction and roleplay, members have been working on Clan Arcona Prospectus. Here is your chance to help. Our home system, the Dajorran System, is governed by an alliance of different planetary governments. They are all united under the Dajorran Consortium.

Your task is to create an image of a logo for the Dajorran Consortium. The images will be brought to those working on Prospectus. There will then be a vote amongst Prospectus, and a winner will be chosen. If the work is deemed worthy, it will become the official Dajorran Consortium logo.


4th level crescents awarded by Etah dTana

Competition Information
Organized by
Debric Santhe
Running time
2007-05-15 until 2007-05-22 (8 days)
Target Unit
House Galeres
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.