Competition: Operation Raptor Claw Part 1

Operation Raptor Claw Part 1


Operation Raptor Claw: The Night Raptors had assembled in Fremoc's VCX-820, The Stryker. The ship was in hyperspace flying to an unknown destination. Fremoc prepped the holographic image projector that was behind the cockpit, in the passenger area. It flashed on showing the planet of purple color. "Gentlemen, the planet you see before you is Melida/Daan. This planet has gone through centuries of civil war. Rumor has it that some young Jedi named 'Obi-wan Kenobi' left the Jedi order to help some faction of kids end the war." The men gathered chuckled at the name, since they all had known about him from their Shadow Academy tests. "Anyways boys, their civil war broke out again, and they left some perfectly good ships out in the open. Your mission is to go in there, steal those ships and any other weapons you may find, bring them back to Tarthos for our own use. I will take you all to the surface where you will begin your mission. There is an active war going on the surface of this planet. Be careful, I want zero casualites on this mission on our end. If you kill them though, go right ahead, I do not care especially those that get in your way from stealing those ships and weapons. I will be waiting for you all to return in orbit above Tarthos. We will be exiting hyperspace shortly, get ready." Fremoc returned back to the cockpit while the rest of the Raptors went to prepare themselves.

As stated above, the mission is to go in capture some ships and weapons. Your task is to write a minimum of 2 pages of what happens from the time Fremoc drops the Raptors off to the time they get back in Tarthos Orbit. You need to make sure you steal some starfighters, preferably single man ships. Remember to have fun with this.




Single spaced, times roman 12 pt font. If you have questions email me or send me a message on IRC.

Competition Information
Organized by
Fremoc Pepoi
Running time
2009-07-10 until 2009-07-20 (11 days)
Target Unit
Battleteam Shadow's Bane
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
3 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
1st place
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

1st place
Kano Tor Tydex
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

2nd place
3rd place
Nix Saren
Nix Saren
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

3rd place