Competition: May your Force be Unleashed too

May your Force be Unleashed too


Any Console version to the Force Unleashed 2.

Must send a "clear" screenshot of end credits and a picture of your box for Force Unleashed 2, with your DJB name and pin number written on paper to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


X-Box 360, Wii, Playstation 3, and Playstation 2. [Any console that supports TFU2]


Screenshot must be clear enough to see the end credits(If I cannot read the credits, your submission will be void) also need to have a picture of the Box for Force Unleashed 2 with a piece of paper that shows your DJB name and dossier number in a picture as well, First three people to send those screenshot based on real-life time, will be awarded.


4th Level Crescent for top three submissions (Must have 6 to award) If more than 12 people submit, I will upgrade the crescent to 3rd level.

Competition Information
Organized by
Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
Running time
2010-10-28 until 2010-11-15 (19 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.