Competition: [VOICE] Seven Levels of Hell

[VOICE] Seven Levels of Hell


Seven Levels of Hell Dark Jedi Members: Your character awakens in large room (roughly 50x50x50 feet) feeling dizzy. You have no idea where you are - and there are no obvious exits, though you search anyway. As the dizziness starts to wear off, you begin seeing things - welcome, to your character's seven levels of hell. You're stuck in a virtual simulation, the computer tapping into your central nervous system and forcing you to face you seven worst fears. Write about these seven fears and how you defeat them in a fiction. After you have defeated them, you are released from the simulation program. This fiction must be at least two pages in length to count.

Light Jedi Members: Your characters go through a similar experience, but it is not forced upon you like your Dark Jedi counterparts. You choose to take the test offered by the Jedi Council of Odan-Urr - to overcome your demons and extinguish your fear - as fear is a path to the Dark Side.

Remember: Your character is facing their worst fears; they should act as such. It should be the most difficult thing your character has endured thus far. All fictions will be graded on realism, quality of the writing, and writing skill (grammar, spelling).


Fictional Writing


All entries must be Times New Roman font, size 12. Minimum two pages in length. .doc or .docx format, .rtf is fine as well if you have to.

Send all submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses], as well as your House/Clan summits

Competition Information
Organized by
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
Running time
2012-02-08 until 2012-03-08 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.