Competition: The Begining

The Begining


How did your character come to CSP/HSP? Were they recruited from another Clan? Were you first assigned there? How did they find out you were Force Sensitive if so?

Write 1000 words or more, you do not need heavy detail. What you do need is to really explain your characters origins. If it's longer that is okay. Included below is my example, you can see I skip a lot of details, but that the background is still present.

Good Luck, enjoy the read, and I hope to see lots of submissions!

27 ABY Aalos Fier strode off the deck of the Starsprite and smiled at his old friend. Cando Rets grinned at him from across the way under the heat of the two blazing suns. “Look what the cat drug in. Haven’t seen you in years buddy.” Aalos chuckled “Indeed, since that mess on balmorra anyways. How you been Master Sergeant?” “Good, and I am retired, just Cando now.” “Anyone ever figure out what you were before you became an imperial?” Aalos asked. “Nope, thankfully they had no clue I used to be something other than the farmer I claimed. In over twenty years in the service no one had a clue but you. You still haven’t told me how you figured out I was a bounty hunter for a few years.” Aalos Fier smiled, from the age of fifteen he himself had tried his hand at smuggling, and had failed drastically. He had been born the day that the battle over Yavin had happened. They day the rebel alliance destroyed the death star. Now he stood on Tattooine with the man who found him sitting bored in an Imperial jail cell after getting into a fist fight because someone had tried to jump him and file his horns down. He’d whooped fifteen of the best stormtroopers at the base, and then Master Sergeant Rets had simply said he had a new assignment, and he’d become a commando at nineteen. Until he finished his enlistment at twenty three when he’d been approached by a figure that offered him something more. A life he had just chosen to walk away from. “How’s moisture farming?” “Not bad. Time to cut the bull kid, what are you doing here on this backwater hutt ridden planet. There is a war on, thought you were off to Imperial Intelligience or something. Shouldn’t you be out fighting?” Aalos shook his head slowly “No, I did my fighting for the Empire, and for others. I faced the Yuuzhan Vong head on. I lost a lot of men under my command and others didn’t care. I walked away Cando.” Cando stood shaking his head, the man was in his late fifties or maybe early sixties, it was hard to tell, but his body still had compact lean muscle and very little fat, his grey hair was still trimmed military short and the blaster on his hip looked like it belonged. “Never known you to walk away from a fight kid. Heard about these Vong, everyone has, they really that scary?” Aalos looked out across the spaceport of Mos Espa “Worse.” 30 ABY Aalos woke with a start and groaned at the beeping comlink next to his bed. Probably another one of the Hutt’s screaming for him to kill someone. Ever since Nal Hutta had been taken over the planet had been crawling with Hutts. He reached over and picked up his comlink though, work was work and he could always use the creds. “Fier” “Kid, need you to come meet me at the cantina. The Galactic Alliance just laid claim to Tatooine, and I need your help fast.” Aalos blinked, “This something where I need to bring all my toys out to play Cando?” “Yeah kid, everything you got and then some. I’m sorry, you know I wouldn’t ask if there was any other way.” “I know.” Aalos stood up and stretched. He had barely stopped to think about his previous life the last few years. Now he had to think fast. He strapped his armor on and slipped the heavy blaster he kept onto his hip. He had only fired it once since he bought it, and that was into the ceiling. His combat skills had degraded heavily, as had his connection to the Force. He slipped the helmet on and walked outside. The armor was nothing special at first glance, but on the left shoulder was three triangles woven together. On the right was a single painted image of a skull. People took one glance and that was all they needed to get out of his way. It was all about image, he hadn’t had to fire his blaster because he hadn’t needed to. He had simply appeared out of nowhere one day with Cando and killed a bunch of ruffians and then his reputation was sound. If it had been Mos Eisley things might have been different. Mos Espa had shrunk and people tried to keep the peace here for the most part. People knew he supported the law and order of things and that was the simple matter of it. He knew as he walked into the cantina and took one look at Cando though that trouble was brewing big time. Aalos had been working with him again for about three years and had worked with him for four years doing some tough missions several years before now. He had never seen Cando armed up the way he was. Aalos felt his palm twitch towards the hidden slot on his leg armor where his lightsaber was stored. He walked over to Cando “Whats up old man?” Cando nodded “My niece is coming in today, Jenks is bringing her in. Two bounty hunters are on her tail, trying to take her in. I need your help getting her out to my place and taking care of the two hunters.” Aalos stood there for a long second and weighed his options, he’d never abandon Cando, but he had to choose how to act, “Why are they after her Top? She break the law somewhere, help the Vong? I need to know what kind of hunter we are facing.” Cando looked away for a moment. “The galactic alliance is looking for people with certain talents. She has those talents.” Aalos clenched his jaw. He was no fan of the Galactic Alliance. “I take it we aren’t talking about slicing. She’s what, seventeen? What talents does she have Cando?” Cando shook his head and seemed to stare into space for a second before turning back “She’s got them powers the Jedi do. She can do stuff. The Bounty Hunters want to capture her and see if someone will pay up.” Aalos nodded, “Lets see what we can do then.” Aalos and Cando headed for the spaceport and found Hanger 23, where the ship was coming in, only they found two rodians there in overalls with toolboxes. Aalos simply smiled under his helmet and walked up to them and spoke in rough huttese “This hanger is about to be put in use, you two need to leave.” The Rodian snorted “Mind your own business small timer. We are working here.” Aalos shrugged “You aren’t getting the girl, walk away, you get to live, refuse and I kill you both now.” The second Rodian snorted and turned producing a vibroknife. “Go away Zabrak, this is none of your business.” Aalos sighed inwardly and reached out. He knew Cando was about to be in shock, but there was nothing for it. He triggered the compartment with his left hand, shooting his lightsaber down into his right. Igniting the blade he swept up and across, then down and across, killing both Rodians in an eyeblink. The crimson blade humming as Aalos took in the deaths of the Rodians, how calm it had been, how easy. He had missed this, combat, and this was not even a sip of water to what his blood wanted. Aalos forced the sensations away and turned to face his friend. Cando just stood there quietly, then he shook his head, “All these years, I should have known. Looking back it makes sense. You always knew when we were about to be ambushed, when we should attack, you were always one step ahead. It also explains the Vong, why you hated them but wouldn’t fight them.” Aalos shrugged “It wasn’t that I wouldn’t, it just wasn’t my fight. They were wrong, hateful, they were everything in so many ways that I was meant to be. They embraced their hate, their pain, their philosophy was such that in many ways it was what we as dark jedi were meant to be. I walked away because I did not want to be like them. I do not embrace the lightside either, so I chose to be neither.” Cando just nodded and grabbed one of the bodies and began pulling it out of sight. Aalos did the same. Ten minutes later a battered shuttle landed and about twenty people got off, one screaming female latched onto Cando with a cry of uncle and Aalos faded back out of site. Better to let them have their family moment. 36 ABY Aalos Fier frowned when he saw K’atel walk up to him. Something about her demeaner did not seem right. He had known her for six years now and he had never seen her so agitated. He sipped his drink as she slid into the booth seat across from him. She just reached out and grabbed the spare drink he had and downed it. He raised an eyebrow towards the horns on his head, not that anyone could see it under his helmet. “What is that about little one?” “Have you heard from Uncle Cando lately?” “No, he still having issues out there with the raiders?” “No, people came by a few days ago looking for me. All armored up like you. I hid, got out, he was supposed to get in touch with me by today but hasn’t. Figured you would be the one to go to.” Aalos cursed in Zabraki and stood up “Lets go kid. Time to find out what happened.” ** When they got to the moisture farm that Cando operated out of Aalos was cursing and he could feel the hate growing in him. There was signs of fighting. Cando had a few old hands out here who knew how to handle a blaster, and not all of their business was moisture farming.
They pulled to a stop and before he could say anything K’atel was out of the speeder and running inside. Aalos walked into the room and stopped cold. Cando and his wife were pegged down to the floor. They had been tortured, heavily. It looked like his wife had been partially eaten as well, but it was hard to tell. K’atel was shaking at the shoulders “They did this because of me. Because I am force sensitive. I should have gone with them a longtime ago.” Aalos shook his head and pulled off his helmet, something he never did in public anymore. His face was covered in tattoos over his red skin, and not the normal for his planet, but rather Sith markings. “No kid, this wasn’t because of you. Even if they were here for you, this act was for pleasure.” A tingling on the back of his neck started and he looked at K’atel, “Stay down, don’t come outside until I call for you, anyone comes through that door without me bringing them in,” he pulled his blaster from his holster and handed it to her before turning towards the door while speaking, “shoot em.” Aalos walked out the door and drew his lightsaber into his hand, his helmet left behind and faced a Rodian, Trandoshan, and a Weequay. The Rodian and Trandoshan were heavily armored. The Weequay was standing off to the side, a grin plastered over his face. The anger at the dead inside coursed through Aalos’s veins in a way he had never before expierenced. Cando had been his friend, his mentor, long before he had trained as a Dark Jedi, before he had even known he was force sensitive. Had kept him from going to prison, had saved his life in numerous firefights and drank many beers with him in bars. Cando was as much his father as anyone had a right to claim. The sneering Rodian never had a chance, his head went flying with a quick flick of Aalos’s wrist, the saber coming to life on the way. The Trandoshan danced backwards, and with the Force flowing through Aalos he realized that there was a necklace of ears around the Trandoshans neck, and two of those ears looked very fresh. Trandoshans were known to eat their dead. The Trandoshan drew and fired and Aalos batted the bolt into the ground, then did the same with the next three. A roar started behind him and the sound of a blaster going off cut it short. Without even having to look he knew the Weequay was dead. Aalos turns to look at the Trandoshan and kept batting aside the blaster bolts when suddenly the blaster quit firing. The poorly maintained weapon had fired it’s last shot. Aalos took his time, cutting off the Trandoshan’s feet and hands, then small slices as it tried to crawl away, before finally decapitating it. Aalos felt the rush of the death in the force, and took a deep breath. He turned around to find K’atel staring at him. Aalos knew there was no going back now. He knew what she was going to say. “Train me to be like you, train me so this never happens again!” Aalos only nodded. During the fight he had realized that while the Yuuzhan Vong had scared him for being so similar he realized there was a flaw to his fear. Sith embraced emotion, not just hate or fear, but all emotion, they fed on it, used it to power themselves. He needed to learn more and for that he had to go back to his true home. “Come on then. I have enough credits to get us where we need to be.” Epilogue The figure stood on the shuttle platform, the cowl over his head. Xen’mordin frowned as the shuttle landed and a figure he knew from before his own time away from the Brotherhood appeared. Known only by reputation Aalos Fier had just suddenly left his clan in the middle of the war with the Yuuzhan Vong. A female figure stepped out behind him. Xen’mordin said nothing as Aalos walked up. “Welcome home. Though I am surprised you are not returning to Plagueis.” “They have nothing to offer me. You do. More importantly you offer a better place to train my friend here. Her name is K’atel.” Xen’mordin turned to Rayne and nodded his head, she motioned to the new recruit, taking her inside. Xen’mordin then turned back to Aalos Fier “They will not be happy you are here and not with them Aalos Fier. I hope you do not bring a fight to my door.” The zabrak looked dead at Xen’mordin, his red and gold eyes calculating, “Plagueis is a shadow of it’s former self, my master is gone, and those that rule there have no sway on me. Few ever even worked with me and the ones who did will not come to fight here. Also, Aalos Fier is dead, he died on Tatooine. My name is Seider.” Xen’mordin turned to Akatsuki and nodded to her, “Record his name as so on our rolls.” Xen’mordin turned back to Seider, “I suggest you get some rest, there is a lot of catching up to do for you, and many new things to learn.”




Approved by QUA

Competition Information
Organized by
Running time
2012-09-06 until 2012-09-30 (25 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.