Competition: [War Games] Fiction - Taking the Hill

[War Games] Fiction - Taking the Hill


Two teams battle for a hilltop objective in a war game scenario on New Tython. They use stun rifles, gas grenades, and electrified batons to simulate real combat - and you fight beside them, using a training lightsaber to ensure no lives are taken. A series of vehicles from the KUDF have been made available, using a combination of stun rounds, concussion charges, and nonlethal gas canisters to simulate real weapons.

Team Aurek is defending the hilltop from three bunkers, using a series of cover positions to hold back the onslaught of their opponents. They are entrenched well, with gun emplacements to mow down charging infantry, vehicles placed to hold back assaults, and traps set to catch the unwary. A Jedi leads them, using the Force and their incredible combat prowess to help hold back the foe.

Team Bacta, meanwhile, assaults the hill with a force twice the size of the defenders - but with only their own gear and vehicles, and without any cover emplacements or traps to rely on. Bacta must overcome and bypass the enemy, capture their cover positions, and take the hill before activating the beacon inside of the Command Bunker. If they can activate the beacon before time runs out, they win - if not, the day goes to Aurek.

You, Jedi, are on one of these teams - facing long odds, many soldiers, and a foe with powers just like yours. Take the hill, or hold them back; the Force will be with you.


Fiction, 12 point font, any legible font. Will be graded via Spelling and Grammar, Description, Realism and Continuity, Format, and Plot Structure - total maximum score is 25 points. Judges will break ties by agreeing on a sixth category, Originality, if the need arises.


Top three entries will receive Third Level Crescents. Writers may use any KUDF units they wish, but only non-lethal weapons. Death and injury are still possible - treat such a situation the way a military might treat a training accident.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
House Odan-Urr: War Games 2014
Organized by
Liam Torun-Urr
Running time
2014-12-06 until 2015-01-03 (29 days)
Target Unit
Clan Odan-Urr
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
6 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.