Competition: Loyalty Prevails

Loyalty Prevails

Trivia event of Excidium and other aspects related to the event. Judging will be based on number of correct. If results are a tie then it will go to shortest amount of time. This is a timed event so make sure to subscribe when you want the clock to start. Additional details to follow with subscription.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
A Small Spark
Organized by
Lucyeth, Rosh Nyine
Running time
2015-10-14 until 2015-11-07 (25 days)
Target Unit
House Excidium
Competition Type
Legion of the Scholar for Top Two Places
4 subscribers, of which 4 have participated.
Archangel Palpatine
Archangel Palpatine opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Textual submission

1. The League of Liberation
2. Fernanda Pel
3. Suzel, Antenora
4. Hoth, Yavin Runner, Endor Nights, Bothawui
5. Caina
6. Cocystus System
7. Xen'Mordin Vismorsus
8. 39 ABY
9. "Arise Excidium with Merciless Hearts and Cold Steel." (That was easy XD )
10. Dec. 18, 2015

2nd place
Jason "Death" Aran
Textual submission

- Who is the enemy of Excidium?
A group calling itself "The League of Liberators from Excidium"

- who is their leader?
Fernanda Pel

- What place did they attack to draw out their attention?
The streets of Suzel

- What are the ships of Excidium?
The backbone is made up by four GR-75 medium transports(the Hoth, the Yavin Runner, the Endor Nights and the Bothawui), modified for multiple covert ops, the rest by a blend of smaller freighters, shuttles (e.g. Lambda class) and fighters (e.g. Z-95 Headhunters), non-imperial models mostly.

- Where is Excidium based?
Planet Caina,

- What system is Excidium in?
Cocytus system, Hutt space

- Who is the emperor?
Adept Xen'Mordin Vismorsus-Palpatine

- what fictional year are we in?
39 A.B.Y.

- What is the Excidium motto?
"Arise Excidium with merciless hearts and cold steel".

- When is Force awakens going to come out in theaters?
December 18th, 2015 (US) with a world premiere in Los Angeles on December 14th, 2015. Release in Europe between December 16th and 17th, 2015

3rd place
Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
Textual submission

1) The League of Liberation from Excidium
2) Fernanda Pel, appearantly
3) A speech given by the Emperor's office in Suzel on Antenora
4) Four modified GR-75 medium transports: Yavin Runner, Hoth, Endor Nights and Bothawui. Plus assorted small craft known as "Sales Yard".
5) At the HQ in the City of Daemon on Caina, in what is officially a holiday resort under reconstruction; at several safe houses in the whole system; and at the ships. Excidium's all over Cocytus, really.
6) The Cocytus system
7) Xen'mordin Vismorsus-Palpatine, known as Xen'mordin the Manipulative
8) 39 ABY
9) Arise Excidium with Merciless Hearts and Cold Steel! Shouted first by Shadow Nighthunter.
10) December 18th 2015 in North American cinemas, 17th in European, 16th in the UK. December 14th world premiere.

4th place