Fiction Activity

Aftermath: Week 2 Scene Writing 2
Textual submission

Assembled on the flight deck of the Nighthawk, Mateus stared around at the motley crew of assembled warriors. Galeres’finest killers, these were his brothers in arms now. All of them had one purpose, no matter where they came from: to slay the enemies of the Shadow Clan.
“A lightsaber is the best killing weapon in the Galaxy, as far as I care. I’ve used blasters for years. I’ve used beskad blades for years too. But nothing cuts like a saber, stops blood flow like a saber. No mess other than body parts,”the Mandalorian said as he tossed his saber hilt through the air.

Catching it, the Mandalorian warrior snarled quietly. “Pravus might see us all coming, even when we surround him, but he won’t feel anything after that last moment when I put a sun through his heart.”