Fiction Activity

Textual submission

“Oh fried forst rat again i hope the new cook did not burn it again”said the short Devaronian
The near by human cook said in a annoyed voice “well if you could aim you might have shot that droid squad before they kill the last cook”. The rodian that was behind him add to the conversation in a slight humored voice “yah Drax maybe i should remove your other horn so your head would be more even in weight .Drax use his left hand to feel the remaining horn on the right side of his head and then replied in a angry tone “only over my dead body will this horn be removed “ “stop that bickering we got called to do extra guard duty in 10 mins” came the loud voice of the captain in charge of my unit. Drax then asked “ why do we need extra guards the scouts said the droids are staying in there base” the captain look at the Devaronian “we have received reports of a swarm of other ships landing lately boss wants to make sure we do not get caught off guard” Drax muttered to his nearby squad mate “probably just made that excuse to punish us for being the least loot on the last droid raid “ drax finish eating then went to one of there scout hiding spot on the westside of camp a human was there looking in the woods . Drax gave a quick motion with his had to show he was a ally as a precaution they were told not to use coms incase a rival gang broke into the com chanel. The human said in a low tone “shift change already nice” Drax gave a quick shake of his head then replied in same low tone “no boss order a double guard shift” the human gave a shug then said well enjoy the night view then. After a hour or two with not much said between them Drax heard a branch behind him they both quickly turned around to see their replacement only to see nothing Drax turned yo human to ask if he heard anything but only to find a red blade though the human body Drax tried to reach for the com but before he could move he saw a second blade appear out of his chest then it all went black .