Fiction Activity

[GJW XIV Phase I] Fiction - The Old Tongue
File submission
Poetry Entry_Marick Tyris_10214.pdf
Textual submission

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[Plain Text Version] (Safety)

The artifact is a stone tablet with a strange but familiar symbol on one side that is a solid slate gray. The reverse side contains four paragraphs of scripture that appear to be about a “prophecy” written in a variant of Ancient Sith. The stone carbon dates to nearly 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. It’s no larger than a datapad, and has some chips, cracks, and faded letters. The text was carved with some kind of archaic tool into the stone itself. We were able to use a combination of alchemical solvents and advanced restoration techniques to make the text visible.

As for the appears to loosely mirror the Clan Tarentum emblem. The T-shape could be many things, but this theory seems consistent with the veiled references to Tarentum in the prophecy itself. I wonder what Bloodfyre would think of it?


Seven Sith Lords and their seven Sith scholars
Scrounging and scrying through scriptures since neglected
Siphoning secrets with crimson stained on their collars
Shaping a vision with conquest uncontested

A spectacle of farsight unseen in all Empires prior
The Dark Side seething as it scoured and scaled
But the path became twisted as the situation grew dire
The youngest of the seven would leave his seniors impaled

The clairvoyance was tainted by the youngest’s ambition
But these events would transpire under a leader yet unknown
In a system yet existant or had yet to come to fruition
A commander named Kaerner, and an empire overthrown.

In the wake of an exodus, a house would rise from the Tau
The fearsome Tarentae, defiant and in their vows

Yet once the Guardians of the Shroud of Antei, their legacy yet lives on
Through the heroes and survivors looking towards the new dawn.