Fiction Activity

The Dark Depths
Textual submission

As ceballa lightbringer was meditating in the Jedi temple on new tython one day he realized what felt like another mind pushing into his senses. He kept mindful to keep his mind active and to not allow his mind to be accessed by another person. He has heard of in his studies at the archives of dark Jedi who not only can access your mind but can control it through the force. After meditating he decided to finish off some of his studies for the day the archives in the temple, after an hour in the archives ceballa falls asleep, he awakes not in the archives anymore but in the industrial section of coruscant, where he grew up. His father was a space junk dealer in the lower part of the industrial section on coruscant they didn't have a lot of credits but they had enough to get by. His mother skimped out on him and his dad at a young age, she wanted to become a pilot for the new republic and thought a kid and a deadbeat husband were holding her down. Ceballa never forgave her, his mind has brought him back to the very day his mother left. It was before school that she left, her and father would always enjoy a cup of tea together before he went off to the shop, this day though she was standing at the doorway with her bag packed of her clothes. She had a data pad in her hand that she handed to father, and with no tears or a goodbye she walked out of the door and left us. I remember how my father secluded himself into his back room that was a part warehouse and repair shop for the locals. I could hear him toying away on parts like he always does, but today I heard his electro hammer hit and then I heard a sniffle and a sob, not only was this my darkest days of my young childhood but I could tell my father was deeply hurt by this. I tried to look for my mother for weeks after she left, I would go down to the high district and the political district at least twice a day looking for her, it wasn't until about 6 weeks after did I finally see her. She came out of a diner down near the political sector a placed Dax's. She was in military gear of a pilot in the new republic, after I saw her I ran. About a block from the diner I was jumped by 2 big thugs, as they were pummeling my head in someone showed up and told them to take off, they showed them something but my eyes were so swollen I couldn't see who it was, and the next thing I remember I was waking up in the archives by the librarian there.
"Ceballa?" She kept saying "are you okay?" I moved my head up off the table and realized I was covered in sweat that had stained my robes and left a puddle under my head. "Yes I'm okay ms. Bunnsum, I think I'm okay." Ceballa made a nodding motion with his head said farewell to the librarian and made his way to the masters council room to discuss what had happened.