Fiction Activity

Strands of Fate - Ready For Battle
Textual submission

What Runs Through Riverche's Mind As She Prepares For War:

Sirens sounded. Orders given. Ships readied for battle. Time to prepare for the chaos of another war. Time to prepare for an adventure into a far away, unknown destination. Time to prove what our team can accomplish in a short amount of time. Every member of the Brotherhood has their own routine to prepare for the trials of war. And it is time for all to run their own separate routines.

Review the orders to determine the answers to the important questions. Who are we fighting this time? What is known of them? Their weaknesses and strengths? What is the goal for us? For them? When do we leave? When are we coming back? Where are we going? What is the place like? What can I expect to see or do there? How are we getting there? For all unanswered questions, research to fill in the blanks.

Pack, pack, and repack. The team depends on everyone doing their job. They come first. Make or get the list of equipment needed for this mission. Check for defects, make sure everything works. Everything fully charged and ready to use as soon as it is unpacked. Order and acquire replacements and special equipment. Pack and label clearly for all, not just for the Miraluka doing the packing. Review the list. Is everything packed? What is missing and why is it missing? Check the orders, again. Does the environment we are about to be sent to require special gear? And is the gear packed?

With the team's gear packed, time to pack personal gear. Look through the closet to choose the most appropriate outfits. Hygiene items tucked neatly in a bag of their own. Decide what activities to bring for down time. Load the datapads with the latest software and research. Weapons loaded and ready for use. Everything works and ready. Review the orders. Is anything forgotten? Are the clothes suitable for the environment? Is there enough for the entirety of the mission or did I leave something out?

Time to meet with the team. Clarify any mis understandings. Ask the unanswered questions. Did the team lead provide more information? Does the new information affect my lists? Do I need to repack something?

With the list finalized, time to head back to repack. Did the team's missing gear finally show up? Do I need to swap out something? Or make a substitute to fill a void? Is the list up to date and copies given to the team lead? Does he/she agree with the list? Did they add or change anything? Better fix the disagreements. Does her personal gear need reviewing? Did she miss anything?

Time to load the equipment and personal effects. Review the lists one last time. Is everything labeled? Can the proper gear be found easily? Is everything packed properly? Let the lead know that the gear is ready to go to the loading area. Go back to her room to grab her personal bag. Look for stray items. Did she forget anything?

Take a deep breath and relax. Everything is packed and ready. All the research has been done. It is almost time to leave the comfort of the Clan's home to defend it. This is what you have signed up for and the reason you are allowed to remain. All the studying and training has lead up to this point. You are needed. You have a direction, a goal, that needs to be meet. And it is time to meet the most recent goal set in front of you.