Ascended Terentatek

Item Details
Ascended Terentatek
1 slot
Base price

The Ascended Terentatek is a sub-species of the Terentatek species, created by infusing a growing Terentatek with ascendant crystals. As a result of its ascension the Ascended Terentatek's eyes are now crystalline and its hide flaked with dozens of miniature ascendant crystals making it more resistant to all forms of attacks, including being resistant to a glancing blow from a lightsaber. The claws on its hands and feet, as well as the tusks on its head, are pure ascendant crystal and nearly impenetrable - much more resistant to lightsaber attacks than its hide. Ascended Terentateks were used by the Children of Mortis in their initial assault on the Brotherhood's seven clans.

Item Slots
Aspect/Upgrade Slots
  • 1 slot allowing Aspects of type Creature Cosmetic
  • 1 slot allowing Aspects of type Creature Personality
  • 1 slot allowing Aspects of type Creature Physical
Granted Item Aspects
  • Poisonous: Terentatek: **Severe:** [prototype item]'s tusks and claws are poisonous, and can cause sharp stomach pains, severe vomiting, and occasionally death.
  • Untameable : [this item] is wild, and its behavior cannot be modified to accept the presence of humanoids. It cannot be trained to abandon its wild instincts and will generally continue to do whatever it wants. As creature handling goes up, a character can better predict what this creature will do and empathize and understand it despite being unable to tame it. With proficiency (+3) a member could manage to successfully own and cage this creature but not safely interact with it and influence its behavior, with a better understanding and ability to manage this [this item] coming with mastery (+5).
  • Ascendant Crystal Construction: This [prototype item] has been created using ascendant crystals. These ascendant crystals allow this [prototype item] to resist four to six strikes or glancing blows of a lightsaber using their [prototype item] before this protection is no longer provided. Continuous contact begins to melt through in two seconds.
Purchase Restrictions
No restrictions
Used in crafting recipes:
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