YT-1300 "Smuggler Edition" Light Freighter

Item Details
YT-1300 "Smuggler Edition" Light Freighter
Light Freighter
Space Vehicle
Sithmas 2021
1 slot
Base price

The YT-1300 "Smuggler Edition" Light Freighter is a modified version of the YT-1300 Light Freighter. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has great maneuverability and great speed, with heavy armor and shielding. Nearly every system on this YT-1300 has been modified and fitted with backup redundancy systems from the navigation system, hyperdrive, engines, and sensors, to the shielding and armor which are military-grade. The armament has been greatly increased, and the vessel is fitted with both an electronic countermeasures package and a signal-augmented sensor jammer. The Millenium Falcon was one such modified YT-1300.

2 quad laser cannons (1 top, 1 bottom)
2 missile launchers
1 blaster cannon (bottom)
2 tractor beam emitters

1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, and 2 gunners for full effectiveness
6 passengers
100 metric tons of cargo

Item Slots
  • 1 Upgrade slot of capacity 2, allowing items of type Space Vehicle System Upgrade - I, Space Vehicle System Upgrade - II, Space Vehicle System Upgrade - III, Space Vehicle Mechanical Upgrade - I, Space Vehicle Mechanical Upgrade - II, or Space Vehicle Mechanical Upgrade - III
  • 1 Enhancement slot of capacity 1, allowing items of type Space Vehicle Advanced Enhancement - I, Space Vehicle Advanced Enhancement - II, Space Vehicle Advanced Enhancement - III, Space Vehicle Basic Enhancement - I, Space Vehicle Basic Enhancement - II, or Space Vehicle Basic Enhancement - III
  • 1 Hardpoint slot of capacity 1, allowing items of type Space Vehicle Hardpoint - II, Space Vehicle Hardpoint - III, Space Vehicle Hardpoint - I, Space Vehicle Large Hardpoint - I, Space Vehicle Large Hardpoint - II, or Space Vehicle Large Hardpoint - III
  • 1 Launcher slot of capacity 1, allowing items of type Space Vehicle Launcher - I, Space Vehicle Launcher - II, or Space Vehicle Launcher - III
Aspect/Upgrade Slots
  • 1 slot allowing Aspects of type Space Vehicle Cosmetic
  • 1 slot allowing Aspects of type Space Vehicle Modification
Granted Item Aspects
Purchase Restrictions
No restrictions
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