L0-LA Droid

L0-LA Droid
Type: Droid
Category: Utility Droid

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 3


Owned by: Utilis Innovations

Prototype: L0-LA Droid

The L0-LA Droid is a small droid capable of being held in the palm of a hand. It was capable of flying into small spaces and had one compartment that held miniaturized versions of a glow rod, buzz saw, and arc welder. Due to its small size, it is not overly fast but can hover and make lateral changes quickly.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Droid Cosmetic
Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Droid Personality
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I, Droid Enhancement Upgrade - II, Droid Structural Upgrade - I, or Droid Structural Upgrade - II